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Is Daisuke Gay?
Are you blind that he doesn't try hard? Remember that one episode where he tried to digivolve Veemon into champion mode?

There is a pic of Davis having his arms around Kari. Like T.K gives a crap about him having his arm around Kari's shoulders. Of course yea she did dump him. But just because she dumped him doesn't mean he'll just go like: "You know what I think I'm going to be gay."

Of course some guys turn gay or straight when they get rejected. But he doesn't say that in the drama cd did he!?!

Just because he did this and that doesn't mean he's gay. Ken and Davis are just friends to me. Of course yea Davis was the one who tried everyone to opened their eyes that Ken is changed, get real. He wanted the gang to not hate him and let bygones be bygones.

Plus shaking hands does not count as gay either. It's a friendship shake nothing more.

Plus your a fan if you want Daisuke/Ken or whatever. This is purely basis as your opinion.

ANOTHER episode during the trip around the world. Takeru kissed the European's girl on the cheek! ON the cheek and he was hot on her! Too bad Daisuke wasn't there to say: "HA! I KNEW IT!". If Daisuke kissed Kari on the cheek of course the result would be the slap on the face.
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First of all, i would suggest you to watch episodes 13 and episode 26. Second, im well aware of that Toei Animation poster, where Daisuke is having hes arm around Hikari. It's not an official pairing poster, like the one i have below. It's basicly them just joking around. Very rare to find on the internet, but i know what your taking about. Higly rare, but still proofs nothing. Takeru is toleraing it, as he knows it's just a joke. It's just a poster! It's not like Daisuke was ever allowed that close to Hikari in the series. Infact during the entire series he never even once TOUCHES Hikari! In the movie where the kids go to America Wallace totally "out does" Daisuke and ends up kissing Hikari on the cheeks before them leaving New York. That is a lot closer then what Daisuke ever got to her, and there are obvious hints in that movie that Daisuke has a crush on Wallace(this is before he meets Ken)

Quote:But just because she dumped him doesn't mean he'll just go like: "You know what I think I'm going to be gay."

He was gay even before he meat Hikari! When he "realizes" in the Digital world he gets a sexy overcoat and burning colors across hes jacket, cause thats what he always wanted to look like! Hes a really sexy, flashy kid, who also happens to be gay, with great fashion sense. Compare him to...well, lets say Takato in Digimon Tamers, and i think you finally understand the difference between gay and straight. But the fact that hes gay by no means makes him a weaker charecter. By no means! Hes still as attractive as hell!

I still strongly believe Daisuke was meant to be a totally gay charecter in the Toei Anime. This is because Ken and Daisuke, darkness and light, were always meant to be a pair. Daisuke officially has the chrests of courage and friendship, and Ken has the cherst of kindness, atleast before he threw it away. Hikaris and Takerus chrests are light&hope, so they were always meant to be together from the very beggining. I think Daisuke knows from the very beggining he sees Hikari and Takeru, that they are a pair. He has to act "insulted" to Takeru in order to protect hes "manhood" but it never gets serious. I think it was at episode 4, where Daisuke openly admits for the first time, that Hikari really doesent like him, and this becomes a rather usual pattern.

Toei never wanted Daisuke to have a girlfriend, as it would undermine the whole point of him being with Ken and them being a "team" The fact that Ken marries Myako does not change the basics of the relationship(in Japan such relationships with married men are quite common, and marridge is just a formality in order to continue the bloodline, as the "25-years later" epilogue clearly proofs) In episode 31 Iori(the voice of wisdom and reason, who also has the chrests of knowledge and honesty) simply tells Daisuke to stop showing off, as it wont work anymore, and he has no changes on attracting Hikari what so ever. Episode 22 really backs this conclusion. Daisuke has no change, period!

In the CD dramas Iori gets a girlfriend but Daisuke doesnt. I think in 1 of the last 02 dramas Daisuke starts flirting with this ice digimon. This is the CD drama where Wallace also shows up(the same CD drama where Iori gets hes grielfriend, or it is atleast mentioned) The ice digimon seems to be dranwned towards Daisuke as a result of hes loneliness. In the final Digimon movie Daisuke makes one last pathetic effort to "save" Hikari. It fails, and he again is made a laughing stock and a fool. I think this is "Diaboromon strikes back" In the final credin screen Hikari and Takeru are seen laughing together with there Digimon, while Daisuke and Kem are fast a sleep snuggling together in a park.

Too much evidence, too many pixtures, so not really going to bother with this anymore, believe what you want! But you need more then simply 1 poster to proof that Daisukes straight. There has also been posters of Yamato hugging Taichi intimately and offering him flowers, wich Taichi is holding(official Toei Animation poster)This is stuff made on purpose for the fanbase. It's called "fan service" and really proofs nothing!


Daisuke reminds me of another guy i noticed in anime years ago!
Quote removed as you didn't need to quote all that.
And are you saying Yahiko is gay? Because I could tell he wasn't. Don't go grasping at straws please.
You didn't answer my thing about Takeru kissing a European girl! When Wallace kissed Kari did Takeru give a damn about it!? No, he's just standing there not completely surprised unlike Davis he really fucking pissed by the kiss on the cheek thing.

Since when is Davis considered to be Light and Ken Darkness?

The ice digimon is a female...a female. Just because Daisuke and Ken are sleeping right next to each other doesn't mean nothing! Daisuke and Kari slept right next each other as well*right after Ken realized his mistake* in the car!

And there are also posters of Davis right next to Kari!

About him oddly having a Noodle cart as job maybe it was probably inspired by Digitamamon's noodle soup. I have no problem with him having a Noodle cart, he is strangely very strong holding his own store with just him and Veemon.

The 2 things that bothered me is Matt and Mimi's job.

Matt as an astronaut!? Wtf!? Mimi has her own cooking show!? Since when does Mimi knows how to cook!? It could've been the other way around with those two. Since Mimi loves to travel (could be the the girl that goes to the moon with her digimon) while Matt definitely does know how to cook.
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Everyone finds the ending to be just absolutely strange. That's one reason why I don't speak of it.
She's had twenty-five years to learn how to cook. I don't think that one is unreasonable. =) Matt's ending is definitely off-the-wall and quite unlikely.

Well you could have switched her and Sora and it might have worked better.
But again, don't like to speak of it.
The show made me think he is Bi, he likes Hikari and Ken...