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Altered Code. (Dot Hack RPG)
Hai hai!

all i ever wanted was the world.

To see some of my artwork Click here
Okay. :o Done with profile thingy
OOC: Mochi, please use the English derivations. Don't use the default Irish names for the Magic, it kinda blows.

Let us start with something simple. Everyone's first posts should include them starting up their respective interfaces (M3Ds) and get the automated message which alerts users of the update in News and Forums. Feel free to make your characters interact with the NPC or simply choose to ignore it, just keep in mind that depending on the messages and the amount of them that reply to the topic, it will get replied by the NPC or not, providing potentially useful information on the plot.

From there, you can choose to do anything, from going out to hang out with people, to going to a Cyber Spot, to simply logging into The World to start playing. Just remember that everybody, except for Game Admins and Game Masters (Since most of them are well aware of situations already), must do what I ask before doing anything else, okay? Thanks in advance!


Mar joyfully meddled with his terminal, having just finished installing his new MMORPG; he was a true lover of online games, but had always been the late one with the trends, plus never liked multi-tasking with different games, so he had never really paid any attention to get The World. After the news on the interface upgrade, however, he became totally interested in it and then did all he could to get the game, now it was time to play!

"Processing... OK." The M3D responded to its owner as the data download was finished, and then with a grin, Mar ran up to his room, threw himself to a cushioned bean-bag, his favorite gaming spot, and slipped on the visualizer, getting his gaming pad ready as he tried scrolling through the applications so he'd start the game immediately. The pop-up on News and Updates in the forums didn't interest him at all, so he just disregarded them and quickly logged in The World. "Oh... Gotta make my character, huh?" He said to himself, and then looked through the options, "Race: Human, Beastman, Drakeling? Oooh. They are like reptiles... maybe dragons!" he grinned wide, then quickly started designing his character and made him a male Drakeling Twin Blade. "Awesome! Hope they've Swallows in this game." He hopefully said to himself eagerly, before typing in his character's name.

"Welcome, BlackSpyro, to The World."

OOC: *Flush*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: I had gotten it froma website.... D: And theres like 5 dark attacks so really don't know the english names would be...o.o
EDIT: Changed them :o Will alter this later to be my post D:]
"Really!? They finished it already!? Cool! Thanks, talk you later alright!?" Hunging up the phone and streaching his arm to grab his M3D Let's check out the information from the forums He thought sliding down the visualizer. Checking out the first topic he saw on the oficial board of The World, he saw the confirmation of what his friend had told him "Yoshi was The new update is finishgghrhgrhrhhr" Thanks to the sudden movement he made from exitement Soma almost drowned himself in the bath tube "Da... damn! Luckily I brought this custom-made water proof M3D after what happened last time" He said panting heavily trying to catch his breath "Ok, what's next?... Oh right!" After finishing reading the forums, Soma loged into The World Drakelings huh? Interesting but I prefer something more traditional "Ok let's start... Race? Human and of course my job will be Adept Rogue, like my all time hero The Terror of Death! Ok, Let's goghhhghg!" After sticking out his head from the water Soma accesed the delta server.

(The World: Delta Eternal City Mac Anu)

"Welcome to The World" A feminine voice was saying as he entered the game "Cool!" With eyes widened looking around in surprise to the newly updated graphics and additions.
To see some of my artwork Click here
Rei sat down at his computer looking over the three screen that littered his desk among the many other items he often left. He noted to himself he would have to clean it sometime, but then again the whole apartment needed it as he peered around the desk. The dull blue hue from the screen illuminating the darken apartment just enough for him to see the many boxes of electric parts and hardware. "Some other time." he thought to himself as he brushed his long dark hair back and adjusted his glasses he placed his M3D onto his face.

"Log on to the world." he spoke, the computer buzzing as the program followed his command and started up the program.
"Welcome to the World, DrakeZero" the female voice spoke through the headphones as he logged into his character. The update message popped up, but he knew what it was about the new class of Draklings and root towns. He skimmed through it once more and went into his character data. Even though CCorp said it was new, he had managed to get a hold of the designs for the new class and root towns long before and used his character to test them out. At least now he could go out in public of the root towns as a dragon without causing the local admin guards to catch him. He finished updating his character data before going to the fourms skimming through the new subjects. His eye brow rose as he came across a post about dopplegangers. He read it intently about the story of the battle and the subquent tale of the friends odd emotions. "A corrupt field?" he wondered. He clicked on Kira's profile and pmed him a message:

To Kira The Grand
I saw your post, mind telling me which field did this happen?


He sent it hoping an answer would come soon as he was itching to find out, was it a corrupt field or a sick game by a Pker. Either way till he got an answer he wouldn't know the truth of the matter till later.

He closed the window and logged in seeing the flash as the visor uploaded him into the world. When he opened his eyes again he looked found himself in the courtyard of a familar place he knew all too well....Mac Anu.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Beep. Beep. Beep.

< System booting>
< loading...>
< Loaded. Please enter command /:>

/:auto-system update.

< Checking for updates >
< 0%...>
< ...100%>
< Downloading updates...>
< Download complete.>
< Installing updates>
< Update 1/160>
< Update complete>
< Please enter command /:>

/:Auto-Boot World

< Booting The World. Please wait...>

The screen flickered black for a moment, nothing visible against the inky darkness that surrounded the screen, it's blank brightness the only lightsource that illuminated the dark room. Suddenly, a tiny icon began to revolve at the corner of the screen. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be some sort of globe. It flashed a hazy blue, before fading into white, then green, then back. A single letter pulsated at the epicenter of the orb, a dark blue that blended it well with the rest of the screen.

All was quiet, until a familiar jingle rang through the noiseless room. Something stirred in the darkness. A pale hand extended into the air, only visible due to the sudden contrast amidst the total black. A second hand rose slowly to match the height of the first. A low groan rumbled through the room, as finally a head poked out sleepily from among the covers, straining it's eyes against the illumination from the screen. The screen brightened for a moment, causing the person to recoil, withdrawing back into the safety of the bedsheets.

Something beeped, as a blindingly white mini-screen popped onto the monitor. The person rose slowly, shielding their eyes, as she stumbled blindly towards the computer, stepping on several controllers, and disc cases lying throughout the entire floor, grunting in pain and discomfort the entire time. Finally, the person took a seat, blinking, and squinting as his eyes slowly adjusted. He could not read the entire entry, only able to read a word at a time, before he had to blink his eyes closed for a moment, so he "skimmed" through the news report. He managed to read something about update, virtual reality, while the rest he ignored.

Fumbling for one of the controllers he had stepped on earlier, he maneuvered the mouse over an Icon that said "play", as the brightly colored notification disappeared, and was replaced with what seemed to be a newly redesigned login screen for the popular MMORPG "The World"

"Interesting" he muttered, as he connected the control pad, synced it with The World, and donned the Virtual visor, before Logging into The World.

OOC: oky, I hope this intor post doesn't bug anyone, since it was kinda "technical" and I felt lazy enar the end, so I didn't exactly post hwta I was doing in The World, other than logging in.
Digimon P&P RPG forum.

new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]
Shaun stood up from the ground, having just finished hooking everything up to his computer, "Alright, let's see if this update was worth it." he thought aloud as he booted up the game. "Darn, all my character data's gone, guess that's to be expected haven't been on in ages. Oh well, might be fun to be a noob again." he laughed as he began to create his character. "Alright, and we have access!" he smiled as he slipped on his visor.

*Welcome. To The World.*

Shadow materialized at the town's main gate, "Whoa, the graphics are amazing. They really went all out with this update didn't they?" he smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Sarah huffed softly. It was getting boring to wait for all the updates to be completed. Once it was finally done, she quickly picked her M3D and logged onto The World. "Let's see the BBS and look for the information about the updates". As per usual, Sarah would just quickly scroll down instead of properly taking a look at it. Shrugging gently, she then went into Mac Anu finally. "Okay let's get it started today" the shadow warlock murmured to herself while looking around to see what's new.
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions