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A Little Bit of Poetry
You make a lot of poems about you and DMX. XD
And here's another--this one more of a spontaneous piece than the others.

Dread the Wind's Touch

So cool and peaceful yet,
the colors fade away.
Superb view of the sky and the earth,
but something's strange today.
A change has arrived
that I can see--
my body's turned from green to brown,
and it's beginning to worry me.
The clouds begin to swarm,
and the callous wind picks up speed.
The weather's turning for the worse--
Protection is what I need.
So loosely here I hang,
my life, I feel, is coming to an end.
However, what a gentle death awaits me;
my broken heart will mend.
But why give up hope,
as long as I still live?
No matter how long the wind shall blow,
my persistence will not give.
And yet what life is this?
When I have to live in fear,
and fright,
and terror,
it's just too much!
When I have to live with the dread,
of the monstrous wind's cold touch.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Aha! Behold!! I have returned with more poetry. And...

...though it be a single prose,
it certainly is a fragrant rose
of my ideas, one definitely knows
no matter how strong the mighty wind blows
the poetry here majestically flows
and continues to supply those
who read with gentle repose.

NOW, without further ado: the real poem!! =3

Fall from Grace

Sun dawns on a perfect world--
a world of pearls and jade and gold--
where warmth and comfort are everywhere
and joy and wonder surge through the air,
and the day never grows old.

What light through yonder window breaks
upon the cold, bleak world below?
It displays the truths of darkest deeds
emboldened by the hatred that all life breeds--
what do we have to show?

And one may argue yet
that there are those who do great things in this world--
some of our ancestors were angels, after all,
and we only answer to the most divine call.
The evil that has showed itself is the evil we have unfurled.

What reign of initiative did you take?
Lucifer's sweet words lured you to clasp
the evil ideals that are now in Hell's fiery grasp.
Fallen angels come awake!
And realize now your horrid mistake.

But though the truth does the world wrong,
it is our job, our duty, it is our place,
in this world to spread the light,
shatter shadows and banish night--
it is the least we can do; it is what is right--
as those who have fallen from grace.

And there you have it again folks! Not as best as the rest, in my opinion, but the sweet flavor I do savor still seeps from this work. I'd like to hear some opinions, s'il vous plait! =3
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!
