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Religion....fuck them
What is a soul naturaly? Why do you guys rely on others for remorse of advise about religon? The way i see it you think someone must have a religion to live right? My god what if no one really beleived in anything like they dont go anywhere if they die nor become a tree or what not they just say the die what then? Yeah I dont see this point. Other than this topic is nothing more than religous bum. I am not a big religous person but i dont know what i am. Judgin people with a ambition. Yeah natural responce.
Personally, I don't give a damn about religion, I'm what one would call Poly-Agnostic. I don't believe in a SINGLE god, but the fact there COULD be one OR many Beings of Higher Power out there, I don't limit myself to any one single view of what COULD be out there. I hate it when others try to convert me to what THEY think is right when your beliefs are what YOU find and understand, ~NOT~ what someone else forces on you. To truly believe, one must spend time searching for something that fits ~YOU~, not what fits someone else.

For example; The ancient Romans & Greeks believed in many gods, the bulk of which were essentially the same gods with different names (ie: Jupiter = Zeus, Mercury = Hermes, Venus = Aphrodite, Pluto = Hades), whilst Christianity, Judaism & Muslim all believe in a single God (not surprising as all 3 come from the same base) but over the millennium have drifted apart and evolved into what they currently are today.

But then again, this is all MY view point on the world, you are all free to agree or disagree with what I've said, but remember that will be coming from YOUR personal view point which is just as valid for you as mine is for me.
Religion isn't that important for God. You want to know the only thing that you really have to do, is live to the fullest extent better said to "really" live.

And the part of doing good things: just loving others , and maybe a more diferent mission , is helping elevate humans knoledge about their spiritual selves, helping elevating their vibration of there energy, and making humans awaken.

(note this is an example xp , but I'm Christian ( don't go to church though) )
if Angels, Archangels, Jesus, Seprahims, etc etc , want you to know about them , it's majorly to make you know that they're there to help you if you need it.
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