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Mantitory visit to the Chat-room
Well, I know this topic is a little old.. but I thought of a good point...

We SHOULD(not saying we HAVE to) log into the chat room, go into the main chat room and stay there... leaving that webpage open, while we do our business elsewhere around the board...

now... while the window is open, say someone logs in... a good friend, or somone who want's to chat... they enter the room and say "oh look! < insert username here > is on! better 'beep' him/her so he/she knows I'm here*double clicks username to open mini-chat box and bresses the buzzer* That'll get their attention!"

meanwhile, the person I first reffered to hears the "buzz" and goes to check it out on the other web page, and voila! There's a conversation going on between them...

heck, thats what I do half the time.. but no one buzzes me.. they talk to me like normal, yet I don't even know there's activity going on in the next page, so they get mad and leave or something.. then I happen to check a few minutes later, and I see a half of a convo going on and the person is gone...

a simple fix, if I say... we just gotta get in the habit of opening the chat in a separate window and buzzing each other to let us know someone's in the chat room
hey it's what i do it works try it
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
Well what I don't get, and I've said this before, is this:

Before I put up the chat room you see there, there was a different one. It didn't require you to login, but it lagged like crazy and was pretty cruddy, so I got rid of it. The cruddy one almost always had at least three to four people in it. This one rarely gets more than two people in it at one time.