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Spiderman 3 no blood (no spoilers)
UnknownH Wrote:
The Infamous Boss Reo Wrote:If it's not in 616 Continuity, it doesn't officially count. By that rationale you could also say that Thor and Hulk were Venom, too.
I know. I was just saying if was a what if once.

...Although I DID suddenly remember Venom 2099, and that was some canon, so yeah, I guess there WERE four or more Venoms...
Renamon_S3 Wrote:I saw it in this comic that I got in a box of X-men stuff for Christmas a long time ago.

You must have the most awesome parents ever. :3
The Infamous Boss Reo Wrote:...Although I DID suddenly remember Venom 2099, and that was some canon, so yeah, I guess there WERE four or more Venoms...
Oh yeah. That was his brother or something right? And I once got a box of comics from an uncle.
ghostiemon Wrote:
Calibremon Wrote:uh... wtf? Why would HARRY become Venom?

Eddy Brock = Venom

William Baker (aka Flint Marko) = Sandman

Harry Osbourne = Green Goblin v2.0 (Even though he's not green this time :|)

thankyou finally somone is right but harry is the hibgoblin wich is wrong

the hobgoblin from the marvel encyclopedia

when one of the victims of his unscrupilos dealings attempted tyo kill himroderick kigsley found a green goblin weapon cache yadayada yads
it was his physcatrist  then a reporter phill urich
gwen stacy thengabril stacy son of norman yes sonthats al of the goblins
let me know if theres anyrhing yous want to know my brother has the encyclopedia

edited after unknown went crazy below me
Renamon's Army
Gabumon Loverz
I say this nicely and as a person who doesn't like fights but;
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Please, don't double post! There is an edit button! Use it! Type right! Use punctuation and capital letters! If I modded this forum, I'd edit your posts myself. That goes for the polls section too.
So please I repeat, Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Thank you.
The Infamous Boss Reo Wrote:
Renamon_S3 Wrote:I saw it in this comic that I got in a box of X-men stuff for Christmas a long time ago.

You must have the most awesome parents ever. :3

I like to think so!

I can't find it anywhere though, I looked for it yesterday.
Renamon's Army
Look at Wolverine in everything on him has had everything done to him and there was always tons of blood
I've seen it and I wish they had more scenes with black suited Spiderman O_O but oh well

and by now everyone seen it to I'll just say who Venom is
"It's Edward sir Edward Brock jr"

((If you seen the movie you'll know the point behind the quotation))
Psycho333 Wrote:I've seen it and I wish they had more scenes with black suited Spiderman O_O but oh well

and by now everyone seen it to I'll just say who Venom is
"It's Edward sir Edward Brock jr"

((If you seen the movie you'll know the point behind the quotation))

...That wasn't really a spoiler.
yeah it has been out for a while but that was the guy's most often used quote before he became Venom