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Is anyone else...
Yes- Yes- Oh GOD yes- Gaomon is like Gabumon!!
Most people are starting the rosemon fanclub and you're *insert some word here*ing yourself for miragegaogomon. That's funny.
I never HAD digi-fever. I just like staring at animated breasts.
After finishing watching Road Rovers yesterday, I watched 9 episodes of Tamers. Does that count?

Man, it got super dark in a big fat hurry! I was like, "Holy shit, this is pushing it for kids!"
I'm worried- is digi-fever contagious? Does it hurt? Will it give me a runny nose?
In your case Gun, I would say yes.

OH, 666 posts! :shock:
Renamon's Army
I think I should have Digi-Fever, I used to watch random clips of episodes and stuff, if I had it on video or DVD I'd totally watch it! Wink
Well Shintara, if you have good computer speed and can use youtube, almost all the episodes are there....So if you want to watch them you can XD!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
I guess its always with me its my insparaition, when the series ends you kind of want more but I dont want to turn Digimon into a soap opera and I found something interesting for myself FanFics there a lot of them and some are pretty interesting and long...