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X3 Welcome Aurora!
Thanks for the warm welcome, all.

Surely we can be buddies. What accent is it that you are speaking btw? ;)

And I also thankfully grab a slice of garlic with pizza from Shadow. You certainly can't have a pizza without garlic.
@_@ Gaaaarrrrllllliiiiiicccc...... *drool*
Indeed a Welcome of that variety, merits a great introduction. I am the one they call LG, Lonely Gabu and I'm happy to see that you joined the community. A person of your talents could really help us out as well as see what peaks your interest as well as hearing from what's inside you. This forums is nice and you were correct that we are a family of friends cause when the world seems to be gloom enugulfed in gray, here, this place, the oasis within that gray, we are technicolor. I really hope you enjoy yourself and its nice to see you come not as a guest but rather a member.

May you do well in all that you do and happy posting....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Heya, welcome welcome welcome! ^_^ Hope you have fun.
Hey, hey and welcome to the DAD. You seem rather interesting... using a word pun and a reference to a "saying."

So are you orginally from Europe or something like that?
I was born in Germany, moved to the USA at the age of three, lived there at different places (LA, Palms Springs, San Fransisco) for almost three years and the came back to Germany.
Yea, I've got a little talent when it comes to verbal baubleries. I'm still proud a broadcast station dumped the (pretty boring) name 'Worlds Most Funny Commercials' for a title I came up with: Comedymercials ;)
I am a bit late, but hello.
Renamon's Army
Howdy! and welcome to DaD! Enjoy your stay