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Suicide and Cutting:How Do You Feel?
The whole problem here is that the humanist believes in relative morals (what is right for one may not be right for another), but those who are not humanists believe in muhc more absolute rights and wrongs. I will never try to claim that those who cut are because of it "evil", but I do believe it is the wrong choice. If there is a hole in your wall, will you cover it with a piece of paper and call it good? Even replacing it every time it's blown off won't mean the wall is repaired, just as cutting yourself every time you feel bad will not solve the problems that are making you feel bad.

I hate the medical profession these days, primarily because they try to claim everything in chemical and push pharmaceutical products on us. If you suffer from depression, certainly there may be a chemical imabalnce. But I think more than likely you have serious cause for your attitude. You need to look in yourself, and maybe have a psychiatrist help you, and see WHY you feel this way. Then rectify that problem. Will it be easy? No, but it will have a far more significant impact on your condition, situation, and attitude than cutting yourself will have.

Cutting makes things worse for your friends and family, who are concerned about your cutting, and suicide makes it even worse for your friends and family because they all feel some guilt over it. Is a temporary fix worth hurting the people who care about you? And, in my opinion, if your friends support you cutting yourself, they're no true friends. A true friend would be helping you find a more permanent solution to the problem, not encouraging or supporting a temporary fix that's not even worth it.
blueeyedgabulvo0o Wrote:All I need to say is this Collin, you dont need it...its plain and simple. For once screw everyone else (Not meant to Flame anyone as to start another fight of some kind :roll: ) I have done so much for you and I will continue to do so cause I am your friend, damn one of your closest as well....

Be your own hero, Collin look around you and living is the best thing than death. Cutting is just something that you have been accustomed to and its not helping cause your tolerance is very high to it now and its become a habit. This is one of the times ( one of the few) I agree with Ghost_OP, that you need to understand that cutting doesn't prove anything. Everyone in this world needs a hero Collin, you need to be your own. A hero that can metamorphosize there own state of mind and become someone that you know you have the capability for. Understand that once you do see yourself as a hero, the cutting will stop andyour confidence will go up...

Even though I dont agree with the methods or the way Ghost says some things, (more tending towards disliking cause his arrogance and ego is overwhelming. again No offense) he is entitled to his own opinion and my god, he has been trying to help and not become another person who wants to harm you.

Nate, very well said. Understanding that it only brings on the cheapness of what is a "Virtual high" cause thats all cutting is. As the point on suicide, I would be in the same area as you but otherwise amazingly put.

Everyone else, look every hero has there kryptonite, their achille's heel, but its the way we deal with it and how we overcome it, that we are own hero. Be your own hero and live without the scars.....

Ego and arrogance? My friend, I would have thought you'd learned by now that 98% of what I say is totally not what I'd be like in real life.

3 words not to take seriously at all times from me:

"life is the greatest gift of all....don't discard it..."
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No matter how much of a curse or how difficult or broken it is... don't throw it away. I'm not saying you can't have someone do it for you.

That would be so kinky!
but that would make you like...possesed dude.....whoa
Renamon's Army
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Lol, I'm not posessed! I just look posessed! But being posessed would be so freaking cool and kinky- I mean- WOW!! Having a demon inside me!! I don't mind getting in touch with one of my buddies- OHOHOH!! ZERUEL!! ZERUEL!! PICK MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
lol you crazyier then catfish....what the hell is that about??? KAZU!!!!!

Kazu:s'up dude?
GMSG:go touch yourself!
Kazu:laousy no good dickhead
Renamon's Army
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Creative Minds
Guilmon nd a shotgun!!! Wrote:lol you crazyier then catfish....what the hell is that about??? KAZU!!!!!

Since when were catfish crazy?

Anyways, according to survey, there are a hefty amount of people who think blood is sexy.
i dunno my mind is warped with Digimon Tamers

o_0 well its useful....i dunno about sexy....but then again cars are wicked and they are useful sooooooooo yeh im down with that
Renamon's Army
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Creative Minds
Velmont VanCrimson Wrote:Anyways, according to survey, there are a hefty amount of people who think blood is sexy.
Yes but a lot of those people are you or gunter or people like that. So it doesn't count.