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RPG - anything goes (ABSOLUTLY ANYTING)
Saberleomon: TWIN FANG!!!! (comes at Jes with pin needles for some paralysis aqupuncture)

**back with Kiran and Candlemon...a pair of arms with dark glowin claws come for the 2**

Devimon (coming from the ground);....Now! The Touch of Evil!!!

Ladydevimon: Cra--- (gets attacked by Heaven's Ripper) Well you are good... but you'll have to do better than that...

**Ladydevimon's clothes open her breasts are before Slash...unleashing some heavy Temptation!!...unleashing some sexual Musk**

Sunoyashamon:...Bushido Buster Slash!!!!!!!! (goes into a spinning batoujutsu stance)

**The Demonic mega lays waste to the well as Blackwargreymon...only to be snuck attacked by another mega..ShadowMetalGarurumon..**

ShadowMetalGarurumon: Metal Shadow Claw!!!!!

**the Dark Mega puts Sunoyashamon...on for a dark aura covers them trouble from all sides begin to close in**
Jes fails to block it "Urgh! Damn you!"

Kiran screamed like a little girl "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!"
**the Twin Fang works its paralysis..into SaberLeomon comes towards her...with his member handing out

Saberleomon: and fun begins (Mounts her)

**Devimon's claw envoke some perverse..and twisted evil...for Kiran...he attempts to turn him..and Candlemon to his control
Kiran's eye twitched "Why you... DIE MOTHER FUCKER!!!" He digivolves to VIRUSmon in an instant and explodes out of Devimon's grip "BLACK ROCKET!!!" He smashed SabreLeomon away violently "Now this IS personal!" He followed up and slammed him into the ground "DARK HELIX!!!" He unleashed his attack at point blank.
SaberLeomon goes to pieces...from that point back attack....leaving only... a smoking crater

Devimon: begins
Kiran turned slowly, his fists still smoking slightly "Now... Your turn..." He glared at Devimon.
Candlemon leaned 'round from the back of Kiran.

"Yeah!" he said, and shook his fist. Then he lobbed some melted wax at Devimon.
Kiran sweat dropped "You just spoiled my image... Damn! I was really scary until you popped out!"
Devimon: Sadly...i'm just the messenger...and the real one you should worry about is the one from the Dark breed...and he's more dangerous than I.....

**Make way for a new mega...for the enemy blackwargreymon and Shadowmetalgarurumon...dna digivolve to a higher mega**

ChaosOmnimon: It's time to get busy...and i intend to get busy!!

**From his codpiece...a mess of Tentacles come forth..right...for the much you wanna bet..there WON'T be Tentacle rape
"Goodness!" said Candlemon "What a plot twist!"

He thought for a moment, then muttered "Actually, not really. A plot twist would be the reavilation of an actual motive. We are a collection of Digimon who have just traveled to the human world, have absolutely no previous encounters with each other, have no items of power, and no real significance in the the overall scheme of things."

He pondered for a moment, and lobbed another lump of was at Devimon as an afterthought.