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Got season 6? If yes
Shadow: Well when you can punch a 30 foot chicken into submission I think you have a right to be cocky.

Slashmon: Very punny.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Tamers was the best season and they should have gone on with them
(guilmon was the best digimon!!!
clueless but still a wicked fighter)
me:oh shit!!!*takes cover frm diamond storm nd gargo lazer*
Gargomon:take that shithead!!!
Renamon:little git!!!
Guilmon:ty m8!!!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
But... Renamon is best! *huggles her* Fluffy!
i have not seen so many episodes of season 5
but I thought season 4 would be last you can see how they experimante with seasons at thirst doing the partner(just waches the batle)digimon fight season 3 was more partner fights with digimon and season 4 human becomes digimon and I thought thats it there is no more ground for any other season...what concept are they using now?
PokePimp Wrote:But... Renamon is best! *huggles her* Fluffy!
yeah a suppose but guilmon is justa personal favorate (p.s wudn't a few mysical creatures (winged horses nd stuff) be just great as digimon)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Already have a winged horse. Unimon. Apeared when gomamon first evolved.
Guilmon nd a Shotgun!! Wrote:wudn't a few mysical creatures (winged horses nd stuff) be just great as digimon)

You want mythical creatures? We already have. . .

Centarumon - Centaur
Minotarumon - Minotaur
Unimon - Flying Unicorn
Pegasumon - Pegasus (winged horse)
Renamon - Kitsune (fox)
Kyuubimon - Kyuubi (nine-tail fox)
Leviamon - Leviathan
Holsmon - Horus (an egyptian god with the head of a hawk)
Garudamon - Garuda (half-man, half-bird)
Agnimon - Agni (hindu god of fire)
Garmmon - garm/hellhound
Beowulfmon - Beowulf (legendary hero from and old english tale)
Ancient Trojamon - The Trojan Horse (not really a creature, but still...)
The Devas - The signs of the eastern Zodiac; also based on figures from hindu beliefs.
Boltmon - Frankenstein's Monster
Cerberumon - Cerberus
Coatlmon - Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent of Aztec myths)
Cockatrimon (Kokatorimon) - Cockatrice (a rooster hatched by a serpent)
Huanglongmon, Qinglongmon, Zhuqiaomon, Baihumon, Xuanwumon - The Yellow Emperor-Dragon, Blue Dragon, Red Bird, White Tiger and Black Turtle (protector gods of Chinese and Japanese myth)
Gryphomon - Gryphon
HippoGryphomon - Hippogriff
Hangyomon - Fish-man
Hououmon - Houou, a male phoenix
Impmon - Imp, a mischievous spirit
Mummymon - Mummy

I'll admit not all of these are mythical "beasts", but it doesn' change the fact that a large number of creatures have been derived from mythology and hystory. And we already have two winged-horse Digimon - Unimon (and Shima Unimon) and Pegasmon
Gryphon ????

Do u meen half eagle half lion???
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Unless there's a new definition yes, I think that's what he means.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
right.....griffin!!!! thats wat half eagle half lion is!!!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds