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A witches' curse...?
There are some fantastic last words around. I like Archimedes's; "Don't disturb my circles!" Another good one is "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living color, you are going to see another first -- attempted suicide." from Christine Chubbuck, an anchorwoman who killed herself on air. Inkeeping with incompitance leading to death, however, is "Don't's not loaded..." as said by Terry Kath before shooting himself onstage after putting a gun he believed to be unloaded to his head. Turned out a bullet was already in the chamber. Morid, isn't it.
Morbid, yet funny.
When people die from their own stupidity it's just hard to feel any sympathy for them. So yeah it is funny.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Now that I think about it, stress must have some guilt too. I don't feel that stressed, but I wanna graduate at the end of the year, and I don't know if I'll be able to.
You know what I've just discovered? All, and I mean ALL my classmates except for me, study with other people, which is much easier, but all the assholes in my Univ only get close to me when they need a favor. I felt it yesterday-- I entered the room and saw a bunch of nerdy girls staring straight at me. I don't know why the hell they were staring at me like that--it was not contempt, no amazement, no laughter; they just stared at me, stare blankly, like the cows staring at the horizon, like the dead brains they have. I don't even know who these nerds are, so I have absolutely no idea why they were looking at me like that, but they didn't lower their looks until I glared at each and every one of them.
I remember it over and over--
'Hey, after classes, shall we go to X place to lunch/dine and we study there?' about 8 people and they would invite everyone except me.
Whenever I think about this, I get so mad that I could kill them all without the smallest regret.
I HATE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To think these assholes can study easier than me cuz they befriend other assholes!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote:study with other people, which is much easier, but all the assholes in my Univ only get close to me when they need a favor.
That's what happened to me at engineering school. They all shared their homework with each other, which I consider to be cheating, and my homework grade ended up not being as good as theirs. Fortunately, I'm almost done with that. The bad thing is that there's no real way to compete with multiple minds working together... except for sabotage. Twisted
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
One time these guys tryed to copy off my on a test. I gave them wrong answers after a test or two. One guy didn't listen to me that time. He may have passed. But I can work in a group. How we do depends on different things.
I remember back in grade school, the other kids used to copy from each other during tests and homeworks- they have their own techniques- and they work- they called it "teamwork".

They had study groups, but of course, being the social outcast or "weirdo", I wasn't invited to any of those.

Unless they pick on me until I give them the answers. Of course- having no way to deffend myself- I give them the answers, or get beaten up.

That ended when I answered a question none of them could- something about asexuality. They claimed I had cheated- by reading a book under the chair or so- but there was no proof. I got it righ sincerely.

Sigh- that made 'em hate me more. lol.
God...i hate people like that. which is why i usually hate working in groups. Theres some people-altough few- who'll actually contribute and will try and help-luckily thats how my friends are. but they are rare.
Luckily, I've never been in any groups! :D
Wisemon Wrote:
Quote:study with other people, which is much easier, but all the assholes in my Univ only get close to me when they need a favor.
The bad thing is that there's no real way to compete with multiple minds working together... except for sabotage. Twisted
You're wrong about that; I can do things way faster and better than my classmates together. One of the things I would always complain about in front of my mother was 'I hate being in groups. In the time they spend in just deciding where and when to meet, I do the work, print it, buy the folder and decorate it.'
In any case, you can say I can't compete against the stamina and resources of a group. Doing everything by oneself is tiring.