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Things Which Make You Grumpy.
I don't like to get ice in my drinks. It waters it down too much.
But if you want bottle water buy one of those things that hooks on to your fauset that filters it. Much cheaper.
Gunter VanCrimson Wrote:I learnt that toilet water has less bacteria than a regular fast-food place like mcdonalds and burgerking icecubes... so maybe it's safer.

I wonder about the toliets that are in the fast food places.

But seriously now. I'm not saying that bottled water is bad. In some places/cases it is better, but there are some people who buy it when they really don't need to. Water filter, yeah that would be better than bottled water I'd say.
I'm not risking it... (eyes tap suspiciously) I guess I'll have to make it very clear that I want distilled water the next time they go to fetch the grocery.
Well here it is the asbestos thing that freaks me out. And I have had the Zam Zam water and I liked it but not as much as the other water I have had.. It isn't bottled though. It was water I got at a special spring in Virginia and was straight out of the ground. Sure it was superheated but after I cooled it off I loved it, so pure. Anyway we need to stop digging wells in the US anyway... we are running out of water... and fast
Veemon's Followers
Quote: How many animals pee on the springs... every hour?

The US is running out of water!? Nooooooo... What can we do to save the endangered water!?
YAY collin lets save the water!!!

wow that was so random
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
The people today have abused nature... over and over again... but there's one thing I can't stand the most... THE ILLEGAL POACHING OF RARE WATER!!! I will fund a wild-river presserve!! And we shall breed the water in peaceful captivity!! (To be returned to the wild when they mature, of course.)
Yes we should do that...ooh ooh can we name them too?!?! oh plz plz can we name them?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
YES!! We name each molecule of water!
YESSSSS!!! ok well name u bertha and u jimmy and you kathy and you elaine, and you...ahh this is gunna take forever but if its for water willing to give up my life to name water molecules
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army