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Whee! It's audition time!
Well I just finished shovelling out my took quite a while and I probably actually moved a ton of snow. My arms feel like jelly...

Looks like my audition is going to be somewhere around March 12 or so. Man, why does everything feel the need to eat into my weekends? ARGHH!

*fires off a salvo of missles at random*
Meh, more time to practice.
Okay, so that audition that was cancelled quite a while ago and rescheduled is TODAY. In 2 hours I'll be singing in a 4.5 million dollar rehearsal/recording/performance studio, singing for 5 people over a live audio/video feed. The wonders of technology.

Normally, such a thing as this wouldn't really worry me, but lately, I haven't really had much time to NOT sing. With all the ensembles, opera, and preparing for my graduation recital, my voice sees about 3-4 hours of us per day, which is just about double the recommended usage. And given that I have to sing every day (YES, I even have rehearsals on the weekends!), I haven't really had a lot of time to recover. Add to the fact that I haven't been sick since October and EVERYONE around me is hacking with the flu, I'm feeling due for an exmtreme immune collapse. Long story short, my voice is tired, and it's starting to show.

Case in point, I was rehearsing with my accompanist on Friday afternoon and told her before we began, "If you feel the need to pass any comments about how healthy I sound, don't hesitate. I don't feel very well." So I sang my Britten, which she said sounded great. Then I sang the Stravinsky, which was also quite good. Then I sang the Faur
Well let's hope your voice gets better then. It would be bad if you did mess it up after working so hard.
Well, I had the audition, and quite frankly, I thought it sucked. My accompanist thought it went well, and everyone is their own harshest critic, but I don't think it went very well.

As I feared, they asked to hear the Mozart, which wasn't nearly as bad a train wreck as I expected. I got through it in fine style and my vocal fatigue was not apparent. But then the Faur
I can sympathise. Two shows, plus a side peice, here. I am exahusted. Hopefully, it will all be over by Friday. Then I should hope nothing until April.
Sorry about the audition but maybe you can do well in toronto.
That's the plan. I just express posted my music to him, so it should get there on Thursday. He said he's played most of it before, and quite frankly, I can play it, so a real pianist shouldn't have any issues at all. Here's hoping I do well.
Quote:I can play it, so a real pianist shouldn't have any issues at all. Here's hoping I do well.
(Insert Beavis laugh) He said penis.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I don't say pianist that way, I say it with a definite emphasis on the first syllable: PIA-nist. I also say "flautist" instead of "flutist."