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Never Going to Believe This
I have seen worse, just go to the "Village" and all this stuff seems pretty normal to me....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
DrunkenMunkee Wrote:just wondering, is it your hobby to find pics to disturb us? cause your doing a good job...

and that poor dog...dogs shouldnt have to wear clothes, unless they're hairless, and its really cold. or something like that.
Nope, my hobby is laughing at people. See my profile.
And few people could be laughed more at than bad cosplayers.
When I rule this planet all idiots (People will be judged idiots by mine own will) will be put on a large mountain and forced to fight to the death using whatever weapons they can find/make from the surroundings. AND ANY PERSON SEEN DRESSING UP AN ANIMAL WILL BE IMMEDIATELY WRAPPED IN A THICK COAT, COVERED IN A BLANKET, AND DROPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SAHARA DESERT WITH 20 SPACE HEATERS SUROUNDING THEM!!!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad