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Why do you love digimon?
Well it doesn't take much to tell how fake witchcraft is on TV... depending upon the shows. That is true with just about everything. Either way, it is still rather odd.

Though if you wouldn't mind me asking about anything with birds? Along this transformation stuff, or are you pretty much done with it.
Yes, I've been looking throug my old notes and such, the only bird transformation known by me is a hawk, it looks God-awful and makes you see with binocular-like vision, for those who like dragons, a dragon transformation was proposed but it usually ends in death, it is too much strain on the human body and has never been sucessfully attempted by anyone.
Hard to answer that, but the digimon themselves are more humain than pokemon or any other characters i can think of, Like i said in the other section i have a kitty fetish :oops: and when I saw gatomon i fell in love with her, expecially when i saw her getting tortured and all. (can't blame wizardmon, i'd have done the same thing :)
I'm not really interested in people (which is why like yiffy) and to have gatomon here would be beyond words..
Sweet, cuddly and I'd bang her in a second if she came on to me. xD
I think their ability to talk is endearing. Notice how evil ones are very rarely able to, however. Generally they just growl and cause mayhem (except for the big baddies, they usually have some entertaining dialogue.)
Yes, the humanistic quailty that is speaking really caputres most, that is why Pokemon suck XD, little frickin' yellow mice! But Meowth was something of a laugh, to dive even deeper, speach has united the known world, sure we use it to curse, argue, fight, verbally and mentally harrass others, but it is what sets us apart from being the true "Ones with nature"

Gatomon is adorable as well, it is actually more fun to compare her to my smallish friend, she is so small and light you can pick her up and do so much ^ ^

The quirks or Digimon are that they have a bi-level of intelligence, rather than being frickin' spastic animals and obeying everything, some Digimon go off on their own to do things their way and others have arguments over things that we can relate to

Because I must defend the villian (soft spot for villians) good can not exist without evil sow ithout bad Digimon, good Digimon would fade out of thought, they would all be neutrals... filthy, backstabbing neutrals
Yeah, being able to to talk to your digimon is another good thing about them. Much easier then pokemon.
Touche. It's nice to be able to carry on a conversation with your travelling companions, isn't it?
i'd imagine so ^^
And you can talk about things through a new perspective, humans usually see everything the same (like Epsilon, we all know people are purple with no nose or ears, it's just natural) To be able to speak with someone who is entirely new and has no human experience is grand, I think that is why I enjoyed Monster Ranchers as well, I loved the wolf with horns named Tiger, and the eye ball guy who looked like a yellow sperm
yes.. and if the digidestined were teenagers, they'd be talking about alot more than what we see in the series. the digimon too.. that's a whole new unexplored aspect of the show. If they didn't cut so much out for the kids (who mostly like pokemon more anyway) maybe the more mature people would become more interested in it, kids like pokemon, we like digimon.. make us some good series with adult content!! you'll get alot more attention than what them pesky kids are giving, that's for surre ;3

'lol, i can just picture them printing playmon mags.." 8)