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Japanese housing
Bush the Anti-Christ? Dude, don't give him that much credit.

And back to the point, Mako is going to get a taste of reality, but not so harshly. Just like in the show, he's going to grow up emotionanly and face the trust of his day-place and the reason why he likes it.
He's not going to be crashed, but more like getting it(the fact that real America =/= America in imported media) beat into him little by little. And not just by his friends either.
Well don't take MY word for it! I am Jewish, after all.
Thanks for all you help. I just need to know up thing. In the set-up there is a speciel tamer with a digivice a Blast digivolves partner. He has a In-Trainning digimon and he temporally 'Blasts' it into a different higher forms. It has only one Mega form but many different rookie, champion and ultimates.

Is this a good idea?
Sounds pretty cool.
I don't know. It sounds like it could get confusing pretty quickly.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against