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I've been working on a story idea, a sort of a fanfic that takes place around 4 to 6 years after Tamers, and few characters are forgieners that moved on.
I'm asking for help in the types of housing and housing area from the show. Like one of them lives in a house like Rika's, and another is like in a lower-rich class house.

Can anyone lend my some advice on this? I'm trying to be realitic and as close to the show as I can as far as setting.
Most people in Japan live in crowded apartment buildings. A few rich ones in certain areas, like Takuya's family, live in condos. Rika's house is like an old shrine or something. I'm pretty sure it's a rare case.
Ruki was very, very rich. I believe her mother was basically a celebrity.
Japanese people live in crowded but not nessesarily poor conditions, usually in apartments.
They do so because they live in a small nation with a rather large economy.
Hmm... So I'll have to rethink the shrine-house a little. What about like Takato's or Kazu's houses?

And one, unrelated question. Mako, Impmon's tamer, is a sort of a major American fan. One of the more defining things about it that he tries to be like Tony Hawk, and wears a shirt with Superhero icon on it. I can't decide if it should be Batman, Spawn, Superman or something else. What would you guys think is better/cooler?
Spider-Man's icon is just a spider, but it's not very recognizable as an icon. I say either Green Lantern's icon, or Captain America's shield icon.
What, do you not like Marvel or something?

If you must choose from those two, use Green Lantern.
Quote:What, do you not like Marvel or something?

If you must choose from those two, use Green Lantern
Wow, I won't blame you if you go back and try to edit this one. Dude, I love Marvel. Cap is Marvel; in fact, he's Marvel's oldest remaining hero. The first issue of Captain America was back in 1940. Green Lantern is DC; he's part of the Justice League. I just said Green Lantern because a lot of people wear Green Lantern shirts, but I prefer Cap.
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