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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
(somehow, I don't think this is going to be active anymore. this might just be dead space now)
OOC: yes, especially with the rumor of Gunters' death(I only say rumor, because theres a lot of gossip goin' 'round that Gunter isn't dead, and that he is merely taking a long time to log back on)
I really hope that that is the case. things would be a lot quieter without him around
i'm going to shut this down temporarly. if you need a reason, Gunter is such a huge player in this rpg that it can't move on without him. i'm not going to lock it, but i don't want any more posts here. to start up again, the only condition that must be satisfyed is Gunter coming back. if it is confirmed that Gunter was stabbed to death (thats what i read so don't yell at me that my info is wrong) then i may let someone take over the charters. i'll have requirement and expectations of the person who would want to. they are fairly simple and mostly commen sense. PM me if you want to.
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