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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
OOC: yay!!!!!!!!

IC:" nice attack but you scared the trees out of thier bark. lets go to the hotel and get you calmed down."
Veemon's Followers
occ: are you sure it's only pm there? wow- time really is different... by... a whole pm!

[to scared to answer]
Ky nods.

"Good idea. And by the way... there's no sandwich monster."
[hears the words: "sandwich monster" and looses it again] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! where!? no! I'm Not fighting it again!!! NOOOOOO!!!!
OOC: alright this has got confusing. wait for the other two to post before you post.
Veemon's Followers
Ky sighs.

"Well, that didn't work. Dark Blue, it doesn't exist."
[just lies there...shaking.]
*looks at Ky* "stop saying that" he screemed telepathicly at Ky.* picks up Dark Blue* "lets go."
Veemon's Followers
[suddenly stops shaking, and gets up]
youre right. I killed it years ago... theres no way it's comin' back... no way...
................................................what happened to Mulen and Khoi? you didnt... leave them alone or anything... did you?
Ky jumps and covers his ears (as if that'll work).

"Oww! Don't do that!" he says, shuddering. With a sigh, he turns to Dark Blue.

"They should be at the hotel."