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Have you ever thought about dating a Mew Mew?
but making mention jokingly, and actual roleplaying are two diffrent things.
You joke, she actually roleplays.
*nods* i understand now.
Anonmon Wrote:Comedy isn't evil. Roleplaying that you have a lesbian harem in your house made up of fictional characters while in the General Chat forum is something close to it, though.

I wouldnt necissarily say that's evil. Chemically Imbalanced, yes. Delusional, of course. But not really all that evil.

Anyone have any qualms with me closing this discussion already?
not really aside from the fact its one of the few topics people actualy post in.... we need something where we can ramble meniacly offtopic.
...I'm not sure this'll 'play' in the sticks, but what about about a Mew Mew girl who has the Mew Mew DNA of the Hypnotoad from Futurama? I wonder what she'd be like?
Penance Wrote:not really aside from the fact its one of the few topics people actualy post in.... we need something where we can ramble meniacly offtopic.

Anyways, when did you come out of that closet you and that girl were in?

YES, Boss Reo, invoke the glory of the padlock.
Penance Wrote:not really aside from the fact its one of the few topics people actualy post in.... we need something where we can ramble meniacly offtopic.

That's called the Rant Forum. Learn its functions.