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A final farewell for my best friend
I'm sorry for your loss, animals can be more comforting than most people. We've have (and have lost) some pets that are family, and you seem to know what I mean.

Once again I'm sorry for your loss.
On a side note, where I'm from it is illegal to bury animals, but we've done it anyways. :? Given them a box or whatever suitable, bury them and put some cement block over there grave. It almost makes a slight walk line along the one path. Also, our area still has a good deal of forrest and animals so I was rather shocked to here that my Dad also made it a habit of pissing near the graves to keep the omnvores from digging up the graves... :shock: it may or may not sound a little curde, but it was cheap and effective.
*nods* Thank you.....Yeah, now that he's gone I have less than the half of the total love I used to have.....I was surprised to hear from my mother how much had he mellowed my personality (usually criticizing me for everything, she admitted this.....).......Now that love can't be replaced..... you never know what you got until you lose it.....

Harie: O_o. No here's legal. Whatever you do with the little ones after they've died is legal.....We wanted to cremate him but the only ones that do it are some unsavory people that also dispose of toxic trash......Like hell we would.
I'm really sorry to hear about that, Zephyr. I experienced the same thing a month ago today. Lost my dog and best friend of 13 years. It's funny, people get more attached to pets than they do to most people, even family members.

It's especially tragic when there's nothing you can do and it seems like nobody understands or is trying to help.

If you gave him as much love and affection as you've said, and he returned it, then you should have nothing but good memories of your doggy. I hope you feel better about it soon.
I'm so sorry, senjuro :cry: *hugs him*......I do have a few little regrets inside but they didn't depend on me (like giving him a better place to be or do things I would have done if I knew he was going to live the half of his lifespan, like having children).
.........but these days, I'm a little calmer......don't know why.....after all the crying and yelling, now I'm not so sad anymore.....I'm kinda angry at times, and kinda calm sometimes.l....
Yeah you do seem to be getting better. That's how grief works. It's a cycle.
So sorry about your loss.... I don't know what it's like to lose someone so close, but personally I couldn't even imagine life without my Siberian Husky, Paws. He's still a puppy, even. Or my cat, though he's lazy and gets on my nerves sometimes.

But I have to say-- it's not God's fault. He didn't take your dog away from you. He doesn't take innocent lives away. I'd blame the devil more than God.

Serious depression could have caused his death. He just could have lost his will to go on, by the way it sounds. Or he could have swallowed something that was blocking a passage in his digestive system, so he couldn't keep anything down and lack of nutrition did him in. It sounds more like the second than the first. Water isn't very easy to throw up.

Whatever the reason was, Zephyr, I hope you feel better soon. Friends like your dog don't come around very often. But you've got to remember that everything happens for a reason. Please try not to stay depressed for too long, even though the situation hurts.

If you ever want to vent or just want someone to sit and listen to you talk about him, you can IM me at anytime. If I'm asleep I may not answer, but I will when I see it after waking up.
Thank you you too, Wolfe....*hugs* I am kinda feeling better now, People have been very nice to me lately.....which is rare in my life.....And no, for what he had, it seemed like a chronic renal insufficiency. He had all the symphtoms of it. And he was attacked by another dog a year ago and had proteins in his urine from long ago, so it happened what it had to happen, it seems :cry:
Sorry about that, I know it's hard. I have been reading this thread and remembered my pets. The ones I have had either died or were captured by some fucking asshole. Sorry about that, just be strong, it'll be over soon and just a memory.
You'll get past it, Zephyr. Regardless of what took your friend from you, just think of the good memories you have of him, not of when he was sick.

I still cry when I think about my dog having his seizures. It was really upsetting. I know exactly what you're going through, probably better than you think.

The best thing you can do now is going on living your life, remembering your dog as the lively, healthy, vivacious pup he always was for you, rather than how sick he was in the end. He loved you and you loved him. Don't ever let go of that memory. He'll always be a part of you, and you'll never, ever forget him.

I know it hurts. I hope you feel better about it soon.

Take care of yourself, ok?