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You know what would revitalize the franchise?
Massive Multi-player Online Digimon Role Playing Game

We should work of a system where you could select whether you want to be coupled up as in human and digimon or just a lone digimon.

Just like any other MMORPG, normally those with two people should share in the experience whether it be in groups of partner human and digimon, whoever kills the enemy is awarded 100% of the points while the rest of the party recieves 75%. If you are a lone digimon you are awarded 100% points of experience including a 15% bonus.

Those that have partners have the ability to carry more items and attack simutaneously while the lone digimon like previous stated must wait and could only do one but they have a speed advantage.

Maybe later on in the storyline we could involve the option of changing the party and we should keep it controlled, a 6 person party.

This would prevent confusion of trying to attempt a game that is not adapted as of yet to only hold <100 people at most.

Considering it that it would probably be something basic their would be a selection option of what you are able to do and the decision brings you to variable X (an unknown place.)

have you ever played .Hack Infection? That would be hot to emmulate, not copy... That would be incredible useful because we need to create a program that not only holds 3000+ players but we need to make sure that everything is kosher...

It would be a task but if we could create something like this then we could work on the eventual creation of the videogame...

Everything must balance itself of so that the game is fair for both ally and enemy...

OHHHH! OOOOO! :D I just thought of something like you have the ability to create the good digimon and/or human, you should be able to do the same with the evil digimon and/or partner. So we could have two classes one being the side of evil who starts in the other spectrum that won't be involved with the forces of good which would do likewise until a certain level. Than their should be some creatures that would attack you regardless of being good or bad... We could also do "other things" to spice up the game like a Sims type of game....

So many ideas, need to cool down, must take cool bath....

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
What aspect of .hack are you refering to to copy, or are you saying just in general? I'd presume the randomn dungeons and/or the various human interactions. Player Vs player could work in some ways but not everyone enjoys it.

I'll just give a quick comment on the existance of data, virus and vaccine.

How would we tackle evolving? The two obvious options to obtain them would be by level or quest. Both could exist as well. Balance is rather key here. It would be nice if we could keep all the digimons of each level at equal "stregths." Some digimon should obviously be strong against some and weak against others. That would be another reason to form partys. I think percents of experience distribution should wait a bit. Fusion could be used as a perk as well. I don't think we should really start with baby forms of the digimon unless we have some kind of tutorial/beginners area.
Digivolution... how about something like, when the digimon digivolves, it loses some of its stats, like a little deduction. So everytime you digivolve you lose alittle bit so it will be equal, and all digimon don't have to digivolve, they could stay at one level and increase their stats and such.

And i don't think we should have tamers there, i mean whats the point? Just have an all digimon world letting them fight, how would the tamers fight? It would be crazy to give them weapons, then there would be no need for the digimon...
Or once you reach a certain lvl you can digivolve but you have to start over at lvl 1 and work your way back up like a job change in FFXI. And maybe you start off in primary village at baby(or in training) and once you finish the tutorial your digimon evolves to rookie you leave the village and the adventure begins. How do you think we could work in DNA digivolving? Maybe if you team up with another player for a certain amount of in game time your digimon will become able to do a DNA digivolution.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Well for the tamers (these are all ideas and not necesarrily good or bad) I, for one, did not have in mind for them to fight. I was, probably, thinking along the lines of Digimon World 1 where the tamer would be there supplying the items; however, I would want more/standard control of the digimon and have the tamer a bit vunerable.

Yeah, change digimon and start at level 1 starts good... kinda like DW4 it would seem.

Or another avenue of ideas would take all the favorite ideas from previous DW games and some of our own and slap it all together.
The old 'When all else fails Frankenstein it." approach. I like.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Like in most other rpg's why don't we have a gimick where the actually could participate in other types of battles (tamer vs tamer/human enemy) like in any other rpg status quo game. This could allow the human counterpart to gain experience and seem more usefull.

It would be kind of ridiculous that a human could fight a 5 story monster but we should have the ability of fusion where the human can come together with the digimon to create a new forms of digimon.

Most importantly having the human could be like a strategist from like games like Suikoden which allow for massive 1000 on 1000 battled which could be insane. I think the number is exaggerated but it proves a valid point. I think more importantly the human player could be like a narrarator and have the ability to help the digimon as a tutorial guide. This would add the fact that the tamer would be alongside its digimon making it more like digimon.

I think we should leave the tamer as a non playable character for now and we will see what transpires later on.

Theirs a lot of games that we could set up the battle sequence with dice and cards.

That could be something simple to a systematic insane approach to battle where each dice acts as a certain attack with range like any tactical rpg like vandel hearts or Arc the lad.

This game could be like .hack infection in the way of the player to plaayer interaction but just like it you could request a block on the ability to talk to the other and thus allowing them to peacefully live in our created vg world.

That's all I meant by using .hack infection.

The evolution should be kept simple because I woun't allow my digi to evolve anything past rookie unless it was imperitive and as long as its not permanent.

Depending on the level of the player should really dictate what level their digimon begins a battle
<10 trainer
<30 rookie
<40 champion
<60 ultimate
<80 mega
<100 hybrid

different levels of fusion
< special trainer
< special rookie
< special champion
< special ultimate
< special mega
< special hybrid

each fusion should have better attacks as well as the amount of everything else. HP MP etc....

The fusion should bring digivolution into a new era of fun and trial and error.

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Player vs player is always a nice feature, but do keep it mind not everyone likes it. It can cause some rather irksome deaths. With PvP CPU monsters are ussuallay the way to gain EXP(rather easy) and PVP is where the real fun begins.

Do note: I, myself, don't play online games, but I know a few people who do.
I like the PvP part, but i still don't see why we really need the tamers, except for the fusion digivolving there's no actual reason why we should have them and if we used them for tutorials, the tamers are new to this too so they wouldn't be able to explain it... sorry for this its just my opinion.

A world like .Hack would be great
I got an idea how about instead of exp lvls for the human you have a taming lvl, and the battling and stuff increases it so you can control higher evolutions of digimon.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad