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Gamer adrift in a sea of disinterest
Quote:I was really happy to hear that they were making another "F Zero" on the GC but when I rented it it was missing the soul that the other had.

I can relate, I felt the same way about Star Fox Armada. The Landmaster's control sucked and the ground missions were pretty boring. The Arwing levels weren't bad but in the end it was just more of the same elements dating back from the SNES. Same old recycled bosses from back in the day without even a new twist to throw you for a loop. *Sigh* I'm glad that was another game I rented first instead of going right out and buying it.
That's messed me up once or twice, but it's hard to rent gameboy games.
And my favorite racing games are the mario karts. That's pretty much the only way I'll play a racing game.
Quote:Well maybe GTA has better elements for you with racing. The whole game has more overall realistic elements, so maybe you like the feel of actually running into (and over) people and racing them then being able to rub in in their faces.

Yeah that's probably it.

Quote:I can relate, I felt the same way about Star Fox Armada. The Landmaster's control sucked and the ground missions were pretty boring. The Arwing levels weren't bad but in the end it was just more of the same elements dating back from the SNES. Same old recycled bosses from back in the day without even a new twist to throw you for a loop. *Sigh* I'm glad that was another game I rented first instead of going right out and buying it.

I loved Star Fox on the SNES and N64 but yeah the GC one sucked no matter how you looked at it.
Run on foot: Cool idea but blew in action.
Ride the Landmaster: Was fun in 64 but man the GC's controls... Crapptastic
Arwing Dogfights: The greatest fun and the soul purpose of the Star Fox team, so why the hell was there more ground missions that air?
Boss Fights: They don't recycle with Zelda (except for the Ganon battles, you know how Ganon and Link love Tennis) and Mario so why did they do that to Star Fox?
Wing Riding: What the fuck? Who's idea was that? Riding on the wing of a star ship just seems like a bad idea to me especially when no one is piloting.

I did like that Krystal was in the game though, I like Krystal... But I hated Panther! You stay the fuck away from Krystal! She's Fox's girl! Jackass!

Quote:That's messed me up once or twice, but it's hard to rent gameboy games.
And my favorite racing games are the mario karts. That's pretty much the only way I'll play a racing game.

How could I have forgotten about Mario Kart!? That was the only other racing game I liked. I've only played the SNES version and N64 one but they were fun.
Yeah you see I may only play sports games if they're mario versions. It's the only reason I played golf. Mario golf.
Mario sports games are fun because you get shiny stuff, powerups, special wierd things. It's not like just sitting down and controlling ESP-fucking-N with a game controller.
Yeah... the sports I never play because A: I suck at them B: Never interested C: I suck at the real deal.
Well, have you played the Captain Tsubasa videogames? If you choose the right ones, they elevate the football to the cathegory of a RPG. I simply LOVE them.
Yeah, I don't like sport games, either.
Now that might be interesting becase it's not football. It's a different take on football so you'll usally get an easier way to play it.
The only sports games I've ever played and liked where, Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball, Mario Golf, and this one Soccer game on the NES. Now one of my friends loves Football (I don't though) and he'd always want me to play NFL Blitz on the N64 and I had no idea how to play so of course he'd kick my ass at it. But after a while I'd get bored and just tackle people, that was the highlight of the game for me, beating the crap out of people. He had this other Football game on the N64 that I can't remember the name of but he would go on and on about how this one was different from Blitz but I really couldn't see a difference at all other than the fact we could be on the same team and I could tackle the referee (that's the only thing I did). He was goin' on about plays and what the hell I was meant to do but since I don't understand Football nor care it was all just clicks and whistles to me.

He also liked Wrestling games (wrestling is probably the most gayest thing I've ever seen, and I look at Yaoi from time to time) now I hate wrestling but some of them were sort of fun, not much, just sort of. Like WWF vs. NWO: Revenge on the N64 wasn't too bad, though I never played as any of the characters other than this one guy that looked like a Ninja (and Ninjas are cool). He also had a wreastling game on the PS1 and you could make your own character in that so I made, "The Big Fat Guy." And he of course lived up to his name. He also was wearing a thong, go-go boots, and no shirt, nasty. And I gave him the Assman theme so every time he came onto the stage it would play in the background and it went like,
Yeah well wrestlings a different sport. (blame the writers and vince mcmahon, he owns pretty much all of it)