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So if you met any of the Digidestined...
UnknownH Wrote:So juria who do you think would win in a bar and panties match; rika or renamon? (and if she trys to attack me I have my own tamer for protection.)

Hmm, ya know, I never thought about that. Technically, Rika.
Renamon: And how did you figure that one out?
Me: Well, in case you missed it, you're kinda naked.
Renamon: So, that would explain all of those weird-ass pictures of me, except that ones of my being banged by Impmon, or having a penis, or that one that you found of me, Takato, and a jar of peanut butter.
Me: But, I never found one of those images, yet. *Goes to look on the internet.*
Renamon: *Hides the image in Rika's back pocket.* And you never will. *Thinking to herself.* That's the last time we play "see who gets plastered the most" with jell-o shots.

Also, thanks for calling me a weirdo.
*Gives Rika a steel chair just to watch UnknownH throw Ryo in front of him.*
Rika: Bastard! *Blast Ryo multiple times in the head.*
Me: Yay!
No prob and hey I wouldn't have used ryo if the dub didn't make him sound like a dink.
Well, the reason I figured him is simple, I don't like him, at all.
Too much of something, but I can't figure out what that something is, but the point is, he's just irritating. And no, it's not the voice.
Maybe it is because of the laid back ,"everything will work out in the end" personality?
I think it was the possible "Hey, I'm hiding something and covering it up with this stupid smile" attitude. Or, it could be the fact that he keeps trying to be with Rika, and I'm a huge Rika/Takato supporter.
Ryo: Well ya didn't have to have Rika hit me in the head with a chair.
Me: Right. *Decks Ryo in the head with a sledgehammer, then pedigrees him onto solid conrete.* That works much better.
So, I can guess what you watched monday for three hours. And he doesn't really have that kind of personality, that's more yoh from shaman king.
And I didn't like him because he seemed like mr. super tamer. You know, he was supposed to be mr. I'm so great. The way he acted in the show just bothered me.
Good point. His attitude was so annoying,
Now, for another random moment.
*Rika and Anna meet.*
Rika: You sound like me.
Anna: Don't you mean, you sound like me?
Rika: Bitch, please, you're such a wanna-be.
Me: Is this conversation really going anywhere?
Anna and Rika: Shut up Juria!
Ryo's arrogance is actually pretty justified, seeing as he saved the Adventure-verse from Milleniumon about four times before settling in Tamer-verse.

Ken (crying): RYO! Where the hell've you been!?

Yolei: A Mind's Desire win? NO FUCKING FAIR!
Me: Hey, it was you who said we'd play casual and without the restrictions imposed by official formats. Ergo, it's your own fault I beat you with a deck that the DCI banned out of existence.
Yolei: Umm... Well I thought the DCI were just retarted.
Me: They are.
I wouldn't say he is arrogant... he may seem like it since he is experienced. he is the only tamer to have a digimon who runs around on the ultimate level. Though he did de-digivolve when he and Ryo left the digital world.
Millenimon is his digimon, monodramon fused with him to make cyberdramon. Plus if the text from the games is to be belived then millenimon liked ryo. And the dub him sound like that I don't knnow how the origional sounds so I just dislike the dub ryo.