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"The Year Sailor Moon Fans Got Screwed!"

BTW, I gotta increase the sphere of my fan influence to include corporate politics. If I can't plead and whine to get my favorite shows back, maybe I can bend and twist the companies red tape and decisions to my will.

PS. Jeannette Xiao, new CEO of Toei Company? That would be cool. I could make my mama A. proud by saving Japanese anime as we know it. First, I'll tell them to stop using Korean animation companies for animation. (Besides, we gotta bring back "Made In Japan" to animes.), Then I'll bring back Sailor Moon, but I'll get Naoko to have some more control this time. Like for example besides being true to the manga:

1. Make the Negaverse attack other countries.
2. Make the enemies tougher! And a bit smarter over time, too.
3. Have the Sailor Scouts interrogate an enemy youma or general. (Besides, while it's cool to moondust the enemy, it'll be more satisfying for Artemis's sake if we don't have to blow up the youmas all the time.)
4. The Sailor Scouts could stage guerrilla strikes against the enemy. (I'm not saying we should turn them into a new cell for Al-Queda, but I want the Scouts to have more options to attack the enemy. How about a pre-emptive strike or two?)
5. How about with a tip of the hat to Fox, we can have some "COPS" like scenes where two Sailor Scouts are cruising the streets in their car (maybe on a girl-girl date), they see a yoma hurting someone, draining their energy etc., and after a steamy tongue kiss for luck (or a quick one), they transform and help out (maybe after requesting backup). Also, during the crusing scenes, can we have Inner Circle's "Bad Boys" play in the background? Or "Bad Cops" (from the Simpsons)?
6. More ideas soon as I can think of some! Ciao!
that'd be weird but it might be a hit
#13's this?

"Dragon Ball Euro"!

Like Dragon Ball, but set in Europe (though we also go to the Russian countries in the Asian part, too, like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.)

Cast of main characters: (just the main ones for now)

Goku Powerman: Half British cousin of Son Goku. His trainer is Master (can you make a name up for him), a "Dragon Hermit" who lives on the Channel Islands. His home town is Birmingham, England.
Bulma Briefs II: The smart, sexy posh version of Bulma Prime. One half Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds, one part Victoria Beckham, one part Jenna Jameson and still is smart as the original Bulma. Hometown: Anywhere near between Old Trafford and BBC Television Center.
Georgina: An S4C/ITV1 Wales loving talking cute dragon from Cardiff, Wales. Has a secret crush on Bulma. Her human form is a sexy erotic looking Welsh Wiccan woman with long goddess like flaming red hair. Also wears fishnet stockings (with Welsh cultural icons on the stockings) and ankle high lace up boots. Graduted from the same shapeshifting school as Puar and Oolong.
Donna Flameheart: The alter ego of semi retired Welsh singer Donna Lewis. She's now also a Wiccan Sorceress in training, but also knows ancient Dragoon skills as well as Master Roshi style martial arts. Also less likely to be afraid around girls than Yamcha. Her shapeshifter partner is Georgina. Once also made a succesful single called "I want my S4C", a tribute to S4C (the Welsh version of Channel 4).
that'd be a trip
I can't wait to see the China episode!
...characters and things for Dragon Ball Euro soon, but right now, enjoy this (right after Bulma and Launch kiss!).

Possible ways to knock Sailor Moon up a notch. BAM!

1. Change the name of the Amazon Quartet to the Quartet. (Now, how will they do their chant now?
2. Make Lita's cooking scenes more like Emeril or Elzar (from Futurama). Bam! And have her talk a bit like Emeril.
3. Serena can talk a bit like Bender. Oh and can she be a donut fueled 'robot'? "I am Serena. Please insert donut."
4. Make Amy a bit like Amy Wong and have her say 'fuck', 'shit' and 'I'm gonna kill you (insert name here)" in Chinese.
5. Hotaru/Rini and Amara/Michelle can have their lesbienne lust, but one change, make Michelle sigh like Kif Krofer when Amara gets an ego boost like Zapp Brannigan or does something Michelle won't want to do.
6. Lesbienne wedding bells for Hotaru and Rini! (You like?) BTW, is Hotaru gonna wear a black or purple wedding dress (with matching stockings and black wedding shoes)?