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Beelzemon, Flamedramon and their four tails! XD
I like it. Very well done.
you see there's another reply people like your work
UnknownH Wrote:yeah well that's me I care about my friends (and if your a girl I'll ask how you're feeling)

same here. But still it is always a sad thing but I will continue giving my comments though.
Ah nice too see another one actually replied. That's always a good sign ^^
yeah it is isn't it
Thanks Blackwargreymon Lover. And thank you too, guys, you make me feel very well. But like I told you, I don't mind shitty people not commenting anymore. They can just go to eat my shit. But if you add all the people that commented in several places, they add up to about 15, so it's not so bad. *sneer* Remember the Hell's Forum, where they linked to me illegally? I uploaded them there too, but there it says who actually visited, and guess who did and said nothing? *points at thieves* Caught 'em staring!!!!! Twisted
Hope this forum had that same feature, too.
what I hate are these little suck-ups called art thiefs. Why the fucking hell can't they ask for the god damned permission.
They can be happy if they don't get their fucking head chopped off. Gah, they better disappear and never return.
wow that's a zepher like comment there and people may look at it but not know what to say I just said what I thought
It definitely is, Unknown lol I am some berserk type, but I didn't know AV was like that. Well, those art thieves like my pics and hope that someday can be like me but they're too proud to tell. that one who stole the first pic I uploaded here used it to pick up some female in that forum, who was so grateful that he had taken the trouble to steal it to show it to her. (No kidding, go back to that post when I told it here)
I do have some theory about the non-commenting though: Since I draw only guys, I bet there are some non-assumed bisexuals aout there that would think that people might think they're gay if they post.
One of so many theories....
oh please I never remember it and I don't like that type of thing but it's done well and I have a scroll wheel on my mouse plus you're my friend so I have to comment on them and anyone who calls me gay gets a beatdown from me
Another great one! Beautiful feathers, and I like that they're looking right at us.