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10 things that just urk you
um...this is things that URK you not stupidest things!!

well...i guess my friends 'urk' me...they all HATE each other and are open about it, yet they are still friends! i guess since i've known most of these people since grrade 8 and before that i hated my best friend cause he was always an asshole i thought that hate was part of friendship, but i found out today that i was wrong. my first ever real crus(well, ex-crush i got over her) invited me to join her and her friends at lunchtime and to say the least they scared me! not in the sense that one introduced herself twice as kit, and kit's dark side, or the guy said i was hot, or my friend introduced me as the epitamy of womanhood, and the blond girl was silent and stared at me for 5 minutes, (truth be told i was crazier than all of them put together) it was that none of them got in anything that even remotly resembeled a fight all lunch! i was quite intrigued by this, 'twas something i have never

so now i realize that the anger swelling up inside me is from thoes very friends i rely on to help me make it through my life...and that pisses me off! dammit! i can't even trust what i thought was real anymore!

eheheh.... ^^;;;; oppsy well chock that one up as another while were at it anyway rofl lol

hmm that does suck but its not much better my best friend glen (the one whos report i shreded) and my other friend michel are the only two i can actualy say i'd trust or fight for if needed i have a shit load of other friends but they are the only ones i trust with my secrets *and all you macho guys out there can go F@#^ yourselves, you got em too so HA ^_^ lol * but yeah im kinda at that point myself as of recent i've started hanging out with my ex and her friends *also my friends but not in my main sect so yeah* and it feels wierd as hell being around her especially after how we broke up but once again only glen and michel know that.
yet i sometimes wonder if she even remembers me... anyhow no harrbored feelings for her but still you got to know what i mean right?

and moo is my confused/mad/bored/anytime statement so MOO... damnit!
well, you're lucky to still have friends you like enough to want to stick up for them, i would say i have 3 maybe, they would be: Lauren, samantha and Mackenzie. well, i'm Mackenzie(Kein is her nickname) seems to have changed into a manipulative bitch over the last few years and i don't really like her that much, i've also known Kein for 8 years, she is my second oldest friend, my oldest friend sam(i've only known sam for 1 week longer then Keni) moved away august '03 and commited suicide july '04, and Lauren(nickname Lori) is probibly the only person i still trust, but i haven't seen her in over a year, i still talk to her online but it's not the same, people always act different online and IRL...

so i do trust Lori, but thats it

hey casey are your ex and you thoes types of exes that stay friends after they break up or something, or are you just hanging out with her to annoy her?
in all truth i cant say... she hangs around my friends and neither one of us minds the others company hence why i wonder about her remembering me. i dont hate or dispise her so i guess so, but on the same note we dont talk much either
i see, so you're still 'friends' who dated for a month and broke up are still quite good friends, though i'm pretty sure they like each other still, i was just wondering if you were like that cause today my friend was talking about a KEN who she dated like 6 months ago, she still hates him and says she can't see how exes stay friends...(yes the same ken from my rant topic who is dating a 13 year old and he's 22)

...(if you read a few of my recient posts you'll see why the first friends is in quotations, and the second not, that or read my Livejournal,, i bitch there a lot)

oh! BTW i forgot, that last post where i asked if ya were still friends, was my 200th post! i am officily a pr0n monger! *joy*
1 Skinheads (Rasists)
2 Stupid people
3 School
4 Home work
5 People who think that they know evrithing
6 Pay sits
7 Davis
8 War
9 Geting drivers licence
10 Stupid qwestions
Hrrm. Wow, so many things I hate and they don't have a specific order of priority. Hrm. Shit. Let me see: ( order holds no importance)

1 season 4 of digimon (almost completely turned me off of digimon)
2 religious zealots and fanatics (woopaadeedoo my chemistry teacher is one)
3 90% of all rap, hip hop etc... and that entire pop culture associated with it
4 racists
5 stupid questions
6 smokers and smoking and addicts of other substances
7 select people in my life that I know that shouldn't exist as far as I'm concerned
8 people who are messing up the world right now
9 people who's only conversation topics consist of the words " what if..." or "don't you wish..." followed by some retarded idea
10 people to whom I offer friendship but they reject it (and these people have no friends and are usually ridiculed by most)

have a few more I can think of and many more bottled up inside. i'm full of too much hatred.
1. People that give up (It's what I once was)

2. People who don't laugh (That's the stupidest thing i've ever heard)

3. Non-humble people (Yes bow before my greatness)

4. Psycho-Baptists (My town's infested with them)

5. "Experts" (No such thing)

6: People who have too much mercy (All things die, get over it)

7: People who won't admit that violence is fun to watch (It is)

8: Negitive people (Suck it up)

9: People who never change (Try something new, butthole)

10: Judgemental fucks (This I just don't understand)