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10 things that just urk you
UnknownH Wrote:huh I don't know what I say here

lol only one of four things could be said

1.) that sucks *quite likey never to beheard from me at least no alone*

2.) start eating :D *being my smart ass self*

3.) .......... *no coment*

4.) moo... *not sure why... it just feels right*

and yes when it comes to death and such it bothers me none to laugh to see someone get killed *conditions provieded of course*
well, it was 2 or 3 years ago(i caan't remember the day, but sometime in september will be the 3rd anniversary of his death) and a year ago i did try to kill myself, partly out of guilt of never listening to him whenever he came to me with a problem, partly out of depression i had for no real reason, but lately i've come to accept it, and i have moved on, but i try to remember him that way he'll truely never be gone. also i learned to listen to my friends no matter what their problems are, and because of that i have really close friends.

but not knowing what to say is fine, not a lot of people know what to say about things like that...and casey: unknown sorta did say #3 there...not knowing what to say and no comment are the same thing really(just not knowing what to say is i little more polite and straightforeward)
true... but im just listing off things i would probably say. *death really dosnt mean much to me* so i try not to get too atached to things/ friends if i ended up dead today i wouldnt want some moron to pay about $600 on a box to stick my ass in the dirt rofl id probably use a bick lighter and a hanglider and hell if anything id probalby leave them something in my will if they would tape the whole damn thing :D... *yes i am that damn psychotic* but then again this is me... i guess what im trying to say is i wouldnt want some one to grieve just laugh and remember the good times to the end *hmmmm didnt think of this: rent some damn nice expencive car and drive it off the side of the grand canyon*
hmm...ya know, i just thought of another thing that 'urks' me, when people threaten suicide but really don't have a good reason.

for example:
i have a friend(who i don't really like) and she said she wanted to kill herself because her mom always wants her in before dark, doesn't want her to go places without telling her and doesn't want her to be a 'goth'. so basically: her mom doesn't want her 13 year old daughter out in the middle of the night, or at someplace where she can't be found in case of emergency, and her mom doesn't want her to become an anti-social freak, yes that sounds like a mother that truely doesn't care about her(note the sarcasm). i think i told her something close to that and she was kinda surprised at me for saying that(because as long as i've known her i've always been the sensitive guy who listens to problems and helps you find answers(something i learned after my friend killed himself).

and um...1 more thing, death really is a serious thing, i don't see how you think it's not serious thing. though you might not care what happens to you after you die, other people(friends and family) do. they need to be consoledand a funeral helps them get on with life.
your female friend is either trying to get attention or doesn't want any but they're probally just whining a little
Anus Individual 20 Wrote:1. Body deterioration
2. Smugness
3. Unfullfilment
4. Laziness
5. Stupidity
6. Malice
7. Uncomfort.
8. Politics
9. Time
10. Thinking up stuff for these damn lists.

You must hate me!

Anyway, here's my list:

1. Goths
2. White suburban gangsters
3. People who think wearing a Che Guerava tee shirt makes them socialist
4. People to turn anarchist, socialist, fascist ete. to spite their parents (I actually know real anarchists, socialists, fascists)
5. AOL, and anyone who plays online games using AOL
6. "classic rock fans" (listening to Brain Damage does not make you a classic rock fan)
7. Japanophiles
8. Anti-americanism
9. Nationalism
10. Religious fundimentalists/fanatics
agreed (w/ unknown)

your missing the whole point (schizo) i dont want no one to be sad when i die BECAUSE it would be a waist of their time as well as mine (even though i'd be dead *rofl*) thus also why there wont be a funeral for me [stuffing your dead ass in a box, throwing it in the dirt, and leting you rot there so they can sit there and cry?] *thoughts on it = FUCK THAT!* as previously mentioned nno grieving for me... thus also probably being why i dont feel to bad seeing death/gore/ect and why the thought of it doesnt bother me
2. White suburban gangsters
3. People who think wearing a Che Guerava tee shirt makes them socialist
4. People to turn anarchist, socialist, fascist ete. to spite their parents (I actually know real anarchists, socialists, fascists)
5. AOL, and anyone who plays online games using AOL
6. "classic rock fans" (listening to Brain Damage does not make you a classic rock fan)
7. Japanophiles
8. Anti-americanism
9. Nationalism
10. Religious fundimentalists/fanatics

hmm that makes a lot of sense cause those are kind of annnoying people
but somethings are worse then AOL
Casey Ray Wrote:your missing the whole point (schizo) i dont want no one to be sad when i die BECAUSE it would be a waist of their time as well as mine (even though i'd be dead *rofl*) thus also why there wont be a funeral for me [stuffing your dead ass in a box, throwing it in the dirt, and leting you rot there so they can sit there and cry?] *thoughts on it = FUCK THAT!* as previously mentioned nno grieving for me... thus also probably being why i dont feel to bad seeing death/gore/ect and why the thought of it doesnt bother me

i see what you mean, i don't want people grieving over me when i die, so i know that a funeral would help my parents get over my death, and it would make their lives easier to live, thats the only reason i would have a funeral...the spend a couple thoudand dollers on a box that will be buried is kinda stupid, i want to be cremated, it's cheaper for one, and at least my body will be suffering the same fate as my soul... Twisted
geting kinda deep arent we rofl on a side note just broke up w/ my girl friend and yet mim not that sad :D

1 reason is because my story is mine again :DDD

2 we hardly saw each other any way

3 her taste of music.... nuf said *cringes*

4 shes to damn busy to even talk :\

5 i didnt expect it to last anyway

so yeah not too bumed about it