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Which Digimon chara would you like to be?
I'd wanna be Henry,he seems to have life easy.and as for
being any digimon,i'd say gabumon cause all of his forms
are cool.
[quote="Zephyr of Darkness"]Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! He has a hairy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! *scratches Leomon's face like Gatomon's Lightning Paw in Digital Card Battle* Awwwwwfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away*[quote]

Wow. You're so cool.

... anyway. Both Adventure seasons? Palmon.

I'd turn into Rosemon and kick WarGreymon's ass then whip HolyAngemon into submission. They're fucking obnoxious.

Tamers? Renamon. Definitely. The porncentric underbelly of this fandom is really, really annoying in its obsession with Renamon... (YIFF YIFF FOXY YIFF YIFF LOL) but she's cool.

Frontier? Eh, I dunno. I liked it just fine, but... Eh, probably Fairymon/Shutumon so I could get it on with the other Hybrids - especially Blitzmon and Blizzarmon.

... I'm physically male, and don't think I'm a woman. Really. It's sorta kinky to think about.
Quote:actually I'd rather not know if it's ok with you
No matter. I just raped Leomon with the sickle.*unfazed look*

Quote:Now who ever said I wanted the build to get the GIRLS attention

( at Z)
Uh got yourself a point there. My primitive mind thought that when you wanna have a good-looking body, is for attracting the opposite gender. Silly old-fashioned me.*anime sweatdrop*
I always thought though, that with those looks, Leomon had to be gay (he looks like those guys who sing 'YMCA') That would also explain why he was given to Jeri....(and BTW, when Beelzemon absorbed his data, he became like him? Well, following the same thinking pattern, he has 2 masters.. aboy and a girl. Maybe he's OK both ways) :!:
But I'm sorry to tell you, zarima, my professional advice as a physiotherapy student is that you'll never get muscles like Leomon's if all you do is exercise in the 'Stay Cool' blanket. You're going the completely wrong way.
Quote:Wow. You're so cool.
Ah.....errrr......thanks...... (Is he being sarcastic ?)
I don't think so he probally meant it and please didn't want to hear that
Couldn't get the build anyway. I'm built like a oil-drum not V-shaped and I like it. Fat keeps you warm in the winter better then muscles and if you want practicality, muscles that big would just get in your way. A build in between Leomon and Beelzemon, strong but still limber, would be perfect for me in real life, coming from my expertize as a low wage grunt worker

And I do exercise but not for muscle mass. I do it for tone and power, the useful stuff. Screw other people, I do it for myself. I stopped caring about what other people think of me a long time ago.

And no, I'm not gay. Just wanted to make that clear. (Looks at the above paragraph) Oops, I just hypacrited.

P.S. I though the sickle bit was funny.
Quote:I don't think so he probally meant it and please didn't want to hear that
Quote: I though the sickle bit was funny.
Uhhhhh...really?! (That's so...weird...) Well,I'm glad you liked it....(still can't believe it myself)
Sorry, Unknown, I thought you were just lazy to go look. *holds a nude Ranamon pic in front of him for 10 minutes* There. You feelin' better?
Quote:Couldn't get the build anyway. I'm built like a oil-drum not V-shaped and I like it. Fat keeps you warm in the winter better then muscles and if you want practicality, muscles that big would just get in your way. A build in between Leomon and Beelzemon, strong but still limber, would be perfect for me in real life, coming from my expertize as a low wage grunt worker

And I do exercise but not for muscle mass. I do it for tone and power, the useful stuff. Screw other people, I do it for myself. I stopped caring about what other people think of me a long time ago.

And no, I'm not gay. Just wanted to make that clear. (Looks at the above paragraph) Oops, I just hypacrited.
Ehhhh... fat is not useful in any way. If you want warmth, it's better to get a hold of a coat. Or a girlfriend (in your case, right? So you're not gay. But Leomon is)
But I'm glad you don't care about what others say. It's the only healthy way of living. Hope I can manage that skill too. The more I think about it, the more I realize it.
thanks how'd you know? :D here *holds stolen tape of beelezemon someone snuck in to make* here you go *hears guns go off* uh-oh I think he heard me *grabs pic and runs* Where's gulimon!
Quote:Ehhhh... fat is not useful in any way. If you want warmth, it's better to get a hold of a coat.
Speak for yourself; not that I'd trade back, but I've been fucking cold without my extra 50+ pounds. I'm going to have to put some sort of extra insulation over the window in my dorm, because the glass ain't cutting it.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
UnknownH Wrote:I don't think so he probally meant it and please didn't want to hear that

If you were talking about me...

No, I was definitely being sarcastic.

I found Zephyr of Darkness's posts obnoxious and unfunny.

I didn't realize I'd already posted which digimon character I'd want to be and why. I think I'll go with my first answer and the second answer is, um, backup or something.
uh.....ok oh well sarcasm sucks on the net