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Slide Evolution: Hindsight is 20/20
Well, geez Wisemon, can you blame me? I'm such a ood author I have to look at all sides of an issue before I write it, so it's not a surprise that I hold many, and sometimes clashing, opinions on single topics. I try to limit myself to only one or two opinions on any given topic, though...

I'd like to clarify what I said above: Slide Evolution is a CHANGE OF ATTRIBUTES -- Whether it's simply HUMAN to BEAST type DIgimon, or otherwise, a SLide Evolution is an "evolution" to another Digimon of the same level. This, I think, all of us can agree on just based on Frontier -- so we have point 1: "Slide Evolution is a change of attributes."

My second point was separate from Slide Evolution, and related more to Jogress/DNA evolution: The data of the two Digimon COMBINES IN A NON-PERMANENT FASHION during Jogress (or DNA if you prefer) Evolutions. If it was permanent, then the "secondary" partner in the Jogress would be lost, just as if he were deleted and then loaded. Therefore for the Jogress to work as it does in Zero Two, we must rely on my second point: "Jogressed Evolution is a non-permanent combination of the data from two Digimon."

My third point was concernign the nature of Digimon, as to whether they are closer to computer programs or data files used by a computer program: Digimon operate within a system of controls and checks and rules, and this system is clearly like a program. Programs do not generally run other programs, nor do they generally interact with other programs. Therefore it is within reason to conclude that Digimon are not like programs, but rather like Data files, which allows them to be edited and changed in ways similar to data files. My third point then was: "Digimon are constructs within a program which can be modified in similar wayw to any data file."

These three points lead ME to conclude that a Jogressed Digimon could "swap" the ordering of Digimon (editing the positions of data within a file) to "Slide Evolve" (another file manipulation, because it involves the changing of attributes), because the evolution is not a permanent one.

I think that that's only one opinion on the subject at hand, through the reasoning of constructive rule analysis. It is not, to me, a matter of Slide Evolution requiring similar traits, but rather that Slide Evolution is used to CHANGE traits.
Antoher way I think we can look at it is in the context of Yin/Yang.
This of course is easiest to do with Aquilamon/Gatomon's evolution.

From the base act of DNA digivolving in the first place consider if Aquilamon was either feeling under the weather that day or simply not had enough to eat that moring to give him the enegry he needed to be the dominant power in the equation. Thus when the time came, Gatomon assuming she was in top form that day would automatically need to be the primary while Aquilamon becomes the secondary power source. So the Yin/Yang had been basically flipped by wax and wane of the two digimon's power. Now since Gatomon's data was now the dominant we end up with Angewomon as the final result.

Now if they had digivolved to Sylphymon in the first place consider if they had been injured in battle only enough for it to have been difficult but not impossible for them to sustain their ultimate from. Now consider if what data had been injured had mostly come for Aquilamon. Because of this it makes it a varitable necessity for them to slide evolve over to Angewomon to continue the battle instead of dedigivolving to champion or rookie forms which would have made them a hinderance to the team.

Also please look back to the episode where Sylphymon first appeared. It seemed that the writers/animators went out of their way to show that while they had merged it wasn't as complete as either Paildramon of Shakkoumon's jogressed status by showing that while in the same body their minds had not merged like the others had.

We didn't see an instance like this again until Tamers. The Bio-Merge ability more or less showed that the children's life energy became the power source in which to reach the mega level. This of course wasn't really a surprise since we've known since the third episode of Adventure that a human's energy and state of mind (The Birth of SkullGreymon) is a large factor in the temporary digivolving process. However the children's minds didn't become one with their digimon and they could still talk to both each other and their partners in those forms.

While on the outside Sylphymon was physically merged the mind was shown to not reach that state of 'oneness' most likely from the difference in the data of the two digimon were not completely compatible i.e. Gatomon is considered female while Aquilamon is male. The same can be said of Tamers in that the Children may have been classfied as analog while the digimon are of course digital.

The need for slide evolution may also come from basic necessity as well. Consider if they were fighting a demon/dark type digimon. (Probably would have been helpful while dealing with Daemon.) Now Sylphymon and Shakkoumon do not use 'holy type' atributes which would make them less effective in battle however Angewomon and MagnaAngemon both hove those attributes so they would switch domanant roles to slide evolve to the other digimon's ultimate in order to continue fighting.

I feel that the resulting digimon from DNA digivolution has nothing to do with physicallity but from the basic power needed to reach certain levels. All of the chosen children's digimon have transient power levels out of the basic need for them to be able to slip in and out of the real world. This is especially important in 02 since it would have been neigh on impossible to hide any digimon whose power stayed at a constant above the rookie level. Not to mention inconvienant if the digimon stayed in their jogressed forms permantantly since that then makes one of the children unnecessary and the digimon in question would probably then look as one or the other children as it's chosen partner most likely whoever had been the secondary digimon's partner would then be left with nothing.
So I guess I'm not the only one around here who likes to get into technicals about a kiddie show -- earlier this week, I also discussed it with my brother (whom, if I find at this site, will be in for some serious shit), who did agree that a sort of Slide Evolution would, in theory, be possible for an Armor or Jogressed Digimon, based on the same principles as it was used in Frontier, wherein the data is changed while not requiring a change in the power level, essentially a "balance" thing, like with the yin and yang.

With this Yin and Yang balance, a Jogress can be easily compared to "dominance" and "submission". In general, if a Digimon possesses enough "power to evolve", it will. Therefore, if a Jogress is determined by the "dominant" force, then the "submissive" force in the Jogress becomes the "power to evolve", allowing the "dominant" force to reach it's natural next state. However, because of the balance, if the "submissive" force begins to resist, the balance is disrupted, unless the "dominant" slackens, if this happen, to the degree that the "dominant" force becomes the "submissive" and vice versa, then a "slide" evolution would occur, with the new "dominant" force being reflected.
whoa this reminds me of those genetic charts slightly confusing but I understand it
I suppose if you wanted to quibble about physical appearence between the jogressed ultimates I could point out that there is a bit of a reflection of Aquilamon in Angewomon in the form of feathers. (On her helmet and at the ends of her... I suppose it's kind of like a cloak or a cape since she doesn't have wings in the context that Angemon does.)

Though if you look at Shakkoumon the whole arguments falls apart. Other than the white coloring of most of the armor which could be a reflection of Angemon's white unitard and the little wings there isn't much of a resemblance. For that matter I honestly don't see any resemlence to Ankylomon in Shakkoumon at all which would have made more sense if Angemon was the primary but as we all know he already had a (vastly superior IMO) ultimate form.

Actually the first time I saw Shakkoumon I wondered 'how the hell did they get a giant bipedal teakettle from a dinosaur and an angel?' Sorry to any Shakkoumon fans out there but as far as jogressed forms are concerned I think he was the oddest concept of the bunch.

Paildramon and Dinobeemon are perfect refletions of a yin/yang dominance/submission theory in the context of physical resemblence while Sylphymon was a good mix of both mammal and bird, the visor Sylphymon wore can also be likened to Angewomon's helmet. Shakkoumon however doesn't seem to fall into a good mixed catagory since it isn't even within the bounds of angel or dinosaur while staying in the mutant catagory.
the shakkomon thing is of course up to debate but do you have any other ideas?
On Shakkoumon or the way slide evolution could theoretically affect jogressed states?

Actually on either subject I'm kind of tapped out for the moment.
Well, I think we should just let the dust settle on this whole debate for a while. I will post my conclusions, not for further argument, but just for a closing statement. I will still maintain that:

(1) In theory, a "slide" evolution is possible for any Digimon made up of multiple data packets (ie: Jogressed Digimon) or with access to an alternate form of the same power level (ie: Armor, Hybrids), whether it is a probable occurence or not.

The games have demonstrated the possibility, and at least one clear occurence was seen in the show. These occurences are cited below.

Digimon World [1] -- Angemon can Slide Evolve to Devimon if he loses a battle and falls below 50% happiness; not the best example, but it works.

Digimon Zero Two -- Tailmon technically Slide Evolves when she accesses the power of the Digimental of Light to become Nefertimon.

Digimon World 2 -- "Mutant" Evolution allows the transformation of one Digimon into another of the same level.

Digimon Frontier -- [Hybrids Excluded] Monzaemon can [slide] evolve into Waru Monzaemon through a Data Corruption.

Digimon Cards -- Pandamon [Perfect] is only able to evolve from Monzaemon or Waru Monzaemon [both also Perfect level Digimon], this is present in his evolution requirements.

Digimon Cards -- Slash Angemon is able to evolve from Seraphimon, and Lillithmon is able to evolve from Ophanimon, while both pairs are clearly Final or Mega level Digimon. This is not simply a power-boost, because Slash Angemon can also evolve from Holy Angemon while Lillithmon can evolve from Lady Devimon (thus both are normal Level VI "Final/Mega" level Digimon able to result from Slide Evolution).
Yeah I think we've said all that needs to be for the moment.

Thank you Nate Hunter for supporting and elaberating the theory with me, I really appreciate it.