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Why the humans?
I agree with ya Renamonfan. I think the digimon are more "interesting" to say the least... but yes I agree with you. You aren't alone here..
I have to agree as well, although Wisemon does have a point that hentais to some extent have to include human activity and sexual behaviour, otherwise they're not popular because of the mentioned 'animal sex'. However, since the digimon can talk, think and have a mind to make decisions of their own, it doesn't seem so bad, plus the digimon seem to be more mature than some of the children, eg, I see the children get themselves into danger a lot more than I see the digimon, for example Mimi and the Numemon vending machines, Davis's universally objectionable method of getting Veemon to digivolve, when Yolei gets Hawkmon injured by Dokugumon, etc. One thing I wish that would happen was that the digimon could have a say in the series as well, but they very rarely got the chance to express their opinion. In my english class, this method is known as 'silencing'. So, for some bizarre reason, the digimon's opinion is 'silenced' in the show that is called 'digimon'. Hmm, bit unfair wouldn't you say?
I prefer the digimon too.

I don't understand why people like to say you're into bestiality if you're attracted to digimon. If you think about it it's not in any way related. Digimon are sentient but some just happen to resemble animals. Since they're from another plain of existance I think the correct term for being attracted to them would be Xenophillia since they are a life from that's not of this world.

Typically you don't hear people jumping all over someone in Sci-fis for falling in love or just plain sleeping with a person from another planet so the argument's kind of a double standard.

Although I suppose you could tease someone who wants to do anything with a rookie/child level digimon with having a lolicomplex. JK Wink
(As if I'm one to talk, I have a Renamon obsession.)
Well I think People like Humans becouse they are humans. But the Humans choosing a Character also Chose a digimon they like.
Ilike Matt But I like MatalGarurumon too becouse they are the best fighters.