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Least favorite character?
My least favourite characters;

01 - Demidevimon, Ogremon

02 - Disliked Davis and TK

03 - Dunno, haven't seen it

04 - Grumblemon and RhodoKnightmon (Crusademon)
I'll use Stormy's format.

01: Demidevimon; that flying bowling ball needs to die. Repeatedly. And bludgeoned with a golf club many many times.

02: Davis in his "I love Kari I love Kari" mode.

03: Split vote between D-Reaper and Makuramon.

04: Haven't seen it.
I know, I've posted here before, but now I got more to add:

Tai- Always seemed to have the answers too quickly, and he seemed to be omnipotent too many times.

TK (Season 2, Season 1 he was ok)- What a little bitch. Always taking the glory, always taking the credit, and always whining.

Ken- He kept on wallowing in his own filth for so long. After a whele, he got better though. Later on I really liked him. But the "woe is me, pity me, please!" got old fast.

Kari- A kiniving little manipulater who whines too much and forces everyone to cater to her. Thank God Yolie didn't turn out like her...

Mimi- She also whines too much and forces everyone to drop what they're doing and pay attention to her all the time.

Rika- She tries to hard to act like a non-girly girl. IT really pisses me off.

By the way, hey, I'm back.
Matt: Annoying.
Joe: Useless in most ways possible of all the children.

TK & Kari: Stupid and annoying.

Renamon: She was cool at first, but then she got old real fast.
D-Reaper: One of the worst villains I've ever seen.

Any for of Kumamon: I just don't like this one.
Woodmon, Grumblemon, and Ranamon: Stupid and weren't good villains at all (with the exception of Grumblemon to the villain part).
I found myself hating both Davis and Cody. What a bunch of assholes! I hate Davis because he's an annoying dick (I feel sorry of poor Veemon) and I hated Cody because he was an ass to Ken even after Ken was proven innocent. That's my opinion and you should respect that!
Ruki Makino [Rika Nonaka]
She acted like she was to good for anyone, and that got annoying fast. Another thing I found rather annoying was how ppl talked about her. Ruki is so hot, Ruki is so cool, I wanna be Ruki. Gah...I just wanna smack her.

Ryo Akiyama
Too perfect. @_@; Also reminded me of someone I had a bad experience with.
yeah I hated the dub's ryo I don't know about how the origional was but I still think he's a dink
You ever notice how just about all animated shows seem to have one dillhole who seems to have all the answers with no reasonable explanation of why? (Not specifically Ryo here, I didn't mind him personally.)
uh... let's see
01 none really
02 the dub was bad for davis
03 ryo and at some points kazu because kazu's a dork sometimes and with ryo, striker may be right because if I got into ryo's character and storyline I'd be here all night
04 random koji and maybe junpei, kouji cause he's that kind of character and sometimes junpei cause the dub him is sad really sad

I think that's it but most "lone-wolf" characters like matt or kouji can be dilholes at the start cause that's who they are as a character I kinda know this stuff I did some characterization earlyer
Season 2 was my least fav. Mainly cause of the three newbies. Compared to the first 8, they sucked IMO.

Davis was just annoying. Its actually mainly his Dub voice.

Cody, again due to the voice. But I dont like little kids in anime unless they are girls due to the hentai factor.

& Ken I didnt like cause, well, all Wormmon could do was become Stingmon. No armor of his own. It woulda at least been cool if he could use an egg that the others werent using at the time. But NOOOO. To me it says that Armor Digivolving was needed for the first part, but now that it aint, we still have to keep it cause it cant just stop, but lets not give Wormon any.

I couldnt stand Kazu & Kenta in Tamers. They just were not interesting. At the very least, they coulda been combined into one character. The fact that Alice was supposed to be dead coulda then be ya know, shown in all the waste of time that was given to the K loser twins. & as much as she is hot

Alice was pointless to show for all the 5 minutes she got. Shame too, cause she was hot.

Suzie & the little kid from Frontier: I just really hate little kid characters. Suzie not as much, cause like TK & Kari seemed to be very young. Plus, since she's a girl, there is always hentai to look foward to. But Tommy think his name is, looked older, & just seemed to be a little pussy wh got picked on & cryed cause he was smaller than the others.

& I just cant stand JP. Big fat-ass just wasnt interesting.