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Question for the girls here (vol. 1)
Dihydrogen Oxygen and Silicon Dioxide Mixture Boy, I really don't think that a girl is going to tell you anything that different. I don't know who told you otherwise, but vaginas don't give people an infinite supply of dispensable wisdom. Besides, you said that it's only hypothetical. You're missing a key piece of the potential problem. You could take it one step at a time, but I believe in being prepared. If you're really worried about it, I suggest erasing the gay porn sites from your "favorites" (I don't know how you do that), and of course, make sure that you never get caught.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
quicksand_boy Wrote:Does the Digimonhentaizone have many female posters on their board? Surely they have to post somewhere. I mean, this is anime. This is hentai, with lots of yaoi. Girls eat this stuff up, right?

so do i but that dosn't make me female
I don't think he was implying that ^^;;;
Wisemon Wrote:I don't know who told you otherwise, but vaginas don't give people an infinite supply of dispensable wisdom.

... In my experience, girls do seem a lot smarter than boys. So maybe the vagina IS a source of dispensible wisdom...

... Or maybe I've been up late for too many nights. Whatever.
Girls seem smarter because they're better at faking it. By the way Gnostic, I saw the things you had J.P. doing in your "Things You'd Never See On Digimon" posts (you ripped-off my South Park parody). I want to start off the year by asking you about something that's been bothering me. What do you have against J.P.? Keep in mind when answering, I live within driving distance of you. I'm just kidding; I don't take it that seriously, but I'd still like to know the reason.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Hmmmm...well, Wisemon is pretty right if you ask me.

I'm a girl, and if I ever found out my boyfriend liked Yaoi, I wouldn't mind at all. Just because he likes that doesn't mean he's going to cheat on me or anything. Besides, the most important part is that he still loves me. Sure there are girls who would go \"ewwww!\" and leave him. But most of the girls who do that are interested in guys who could abuse them all they want, but since they're tough and good looking, they don't care.

I'm not like that. If it turned out he looked at Yaoi because he was Bi, everything would still be the same to me. If I loved him without knowing that small secret, then why couldn't I now? Especially if that guys treats the girl kindly.

But like I've said, this is just in my opinion. There are girls out there who agree with me, but then there are the other ones who don't. The best type of girl with a more open mind would be an Otaku. Hai, there are more types then this. But Otaku's watch lots of anime so they would easier accept Yaoi then most females.
Quote:Hmmmm...well, Wisemon is pretty right if you ask me.

I'm a girl, and if I ever found out my boyfriend liked Yaoi, I wouldn't mind at all. Just because he likes that doesn't mean he's going to cheat on me or anything. Besides, the most important part is that he still loves me. Sure there are girls who would go "ewwww!" and leave him. But most of the girls who do that are interested in guys who could abuse them all they want, but since they're tough and good looking, they don't care.

Thank you, that's what I'm going for whenever I write something, "You know you're right." It took 50 posts, but my name finally got the intended association.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Ichigo and Chocolate Wrote:Hmmmm...well, Wisemon is pretty right if you ask me.

I'm a girl, and if I ever found out my boyfriend liked Yaoi, I wouldn't mind at all. Just because he likes that doesn't mean he's going to cheat on me or anything. Besides, the most important part is that he still loves me. Sure there are girls who would go \"ewwww!\" and leave him. But most of the girls who do that are interested in guys who could abuse them all they want, but since they're tough and good looking, they don't care.

I'm not like that. If it turned out he looked at Yaoi because he was Bi, everything would still be the same to me. If I loved him without knowing that small secret, then why couldn't I now? Especially if that guys treats the girl kindly.

But like I've said, this is just in my opinion. There are girls out there who agree with me, but then there are the other ones who don't. The best type of girl with a more open mind would be an Otaku. Hai, there are more types then this. But Otaku's watch lots of anime so they would easier accept Yaoi then most females.

You are one in a million, but it does my heart good knowing that you're out there.

Looking back, I'm not sure how much right I have to complain about girls who might get upset by this. I guess it's, well, for lack of a better term, normal. But still, I'd like to find a girl who could think like Ichigo seems to. I guess I've got to meet some Otaku girls.

Oh, and I did meet an Otaku girl at work last month, an extremely cute one at that. Unfortunately I kind of got laid off at the end of last week, so I don't think I'll ever get to know her like I had plans to. Don't know what I'll do next, but that's another thread, I guess... :(
im a guy.. and i like yaoi.. Hell I like all porn. BUt just because I like yaoi, doesnt make me gay. I dont know why I like yaoi. I just do. But I prefer girls really..
:shock: Heh heh...O_o Well,I'm a girl...and a hetero I've been telling around...Heh...just that....
Oh, and I usually turn off most guys with the way I talk and the pics I draw :P You won't scare me easily...