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What would you want in a 5th Season?
Personally, I found Frontier to be a welcome departure from the partner setup of the first three seasons. I never really cared much about any of the Digimon as characters, and at times, I felt like they were a distraction from the human characters, which in themselves I thought were complex and interesting enough to build an entire series around. I realize that that's missing the point: how can you have Digimon without any Digimon in the lead roles? Well, I thought that Frontier answered that question, though many would disagree with me on that.

One of the biggest draws that Digimon has always had for me personally is its egalitarian cast, but I'd like to see that taken even farther. There's always been one character (the "goggle boy") that's resisted the kind of flaws that have plagued the others, but for once I'd like to see a cast without a clear leader or privledged character. As stated before, having a diverse cast of characters is the best way to hook potential viewers (who end up identifying with at least one character more strongly than the others) and to avoid ending up like another Pokemon. Personally, 6-7 characters works best for me, though if you can stretch it over more than one season (like 02, which in many ways was just a continuation of the first season) there's time to develop even more characters. I just don't want to see more Hirokazus or Kentas: promising characters that never turn into anything that really affect the story.

Personally, I'd like to see another Frontier-like series (and since I don't know how Frontier ends/ended, maybe just a continuation of that). But somewhat darker, and less built on the idea that the show is going to move toys off the shelves. That's an age that's passed us by.
Undo, the extent of your opinion's agreement with my own, it astounds me.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
That's because we're two cool kids. Yep. 8)

More specifically, some other stuff I'd like to see in a 5th season.

-More distinctive characters. Junpai at least broke the skinny mold that all the kids fit oh-so-nicely into. Now can we get a fat girl as a character? Another interesting character would be someone who was parapalygic (parlysed from the waist down, but otherwise just fine). Get an independently-minded kid that's confined to a wheelchair and see what happens when he's thrust into another world and forced to rely on others.

-Shorter digivolving times. We don't need to see the whole 2-minute process everytime. We've only got 20-23 minutes per episode. This takes up valuable time and as far as I'm concerned, could be shortened.

-Actual romance? It wouldn't have to be serious, but if one character had a crush on another and it actually affected the plot (unlike the Daisuke-Takeru-Hikari thing, which was mysteriously abandoned halfway through and didn't amount to anything by the end) it could make for some good drama and some funny moments too.

-More teamwork and less flawless hero bullshit. I mean, if you're up against an incredibly powerful villiain, it's going to take more than just standing up and saying you're not afraid. It's going to take more than one person's will to escape death. Rather, I'd like to see more teamwork between the characters, and fewer resolutions of conflict via moments of "believing in yourself" or doing something couragous, etc.

-Perhaps a slight change in the visual style of the series? Granted, it's always been harder-edged, better detailed, and deeper in tone in than Pokemon, which is good, but maybe it's time for an upgrade.
hummmmmmm well i'm not to sure what i'm looking 4 in season 5 :? but as long as it's digimon i'll watch it Wink :D
Okay, I might be a lil late for this, but I'm new here so: 8)

An idea for the 5th DGMN season huh? Have any of you read 'SILENCE's Fox Tail'? Or 'Aaron Lloyd's Crossover series' ? :o

Read it and just think about it...just something I thought would be cool *shrugs* It would be pretty neat, rite?...rite :D
*shrugz* mabey
I never said I want to see a one-character series, but at the same time I feel that it could be done well. Maybe other characters would be introduced later on, to help handle tougher problems, or maybe it would just remain the one character only.

I think that three to six is an ideal size for the core cast, and I did like some of the concepts in Frontier. What I'd most like to see, however, is a continuation of Tamers in which the children have a much more mature adventure without necessarily changing the target audience, and without getting overly scientific as Tamers originally did.

If they do a continuation/sequel to Tamers: I'd like to see Takato grow up and become more responsible for everything that happened with Guilmon, even if Guilmon is still as child-like as ever. I'd like Ruki to realize that her emotions are a greater strength than her coldness, and actually think about dating (which I feel would be necessary in a continuation of Tamers). I'd like to see Hirokazu and Kenta both get proper screen time and development. And I'd like to see Jenrya... well, I'd like to see Jenrya become more curious about the nature of the Digital World, and interested in exploring how exactly 'belief' does affect the substance of the Digital World.

I'd also like to see how Juri is actually dealing with the loss of Leomon, and everything that the D-Reaper was able to do by manipulating her emotions. As for Beelzebumon, I could care less, unless he gets a proper series of evolutions from Impmon. I highly doubt we'll see a return to the Tamers world, though, because the end went over people's heads with the over-scientific projects that got involved.

So in place of that, I'd like to see something like a cross between Tamers and Adventure, where the Real and Digital worlds operate on clearly different sets of rules, but both still have 'absolute' rules, so that you don't run into things like in Tamers. I'd also much rather have a Digimon opponent than something beyond Digimon. And I'd like to at least see the series start off with a single character focus, introducing more of the team after a small story arc to introduce the concept of the series and the main character and her partner -- Yes, I'd like to see a season where the lead character is a female.

But these are just some ideas, and I won't say I'll dislike anything that doesn't match these ideas. I'll give it a try, and judge it after I've seen it. I do agree that the story could be much better developed if the evo sequences were only used some of the time, like the first time and when a given episode needs to be padded to fill the necessary length. I'd much rather have the instant evolutions than the long sequences we get.

Also, I don't believe even the 'goggle-boy' characters were flawless for the sake of the series. Taichi was, I fee, the closest of the four, though. Daisuke was stupid, not necessarily 'dumb as a rock', but he didn't care about learning, because his goal was to play soccer. He was unable to see past himself to what mattered to the others for much of Zero Two, though this changed somewhat with his being partnered with Ken for their Digimon's Jogress.

Takato was so amazed at having a Digimon that until he almost lost Guilmon, he was bathed in this feeling of shock at how cool he was. Each time he found the fear of losing Guilmon, he grew a bit, but he never was much of a 'team' player during the beginning arc of the story, and even after they did form a loose team, he often tried to do things his way. It was the loss of control in Megidramon that brought him to see that it couldn't just be 'his way', it couldn't just be what he wanted, but he needed to trust the others and work with them and for them.

Takuya was shocked and amazed too, but his was a bit more fearful than Takato's. Was he courageous? Most of the time, yes. Was he reckless? More often than not, yes, and that recklessness was his greatest flaw, as it was with almost every 'goggle boy', he put the entire team in danger because of his reckless attitude, and after seeing that he was terrified, so much so that he was willing to run away from it all to keep from endangering his friends. He was stronger when he returned, but still not flawless -- he thought more strategically with the team, but was still reckless when he fought alone.

Anyhow, I don't want to rant in here, I'm going to leave it at that, and I realize these are not unlike Taichi in some ways... Let's just talk about what we would like in a future series, instead of just what we liked in the past series.
I wouldn't mind to see a google girl ^^
hummmm i'm not sure if there would be a goggle gurl since there already is a goggle boy 4 season 5
Ancient Veemon Wrote:I wouldn't mind to see a google girl ^^

Now that would be cool.