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Impmon or Beelzemon?!
Well,I guess I should answer Anus Individual then.Well,maybe the reason is that Impmon is a lot easier to fuck against his will than Beelzemon...maybe people like that better than their looks...
Um,I noticed that none of the people that use Impmon actually answered I right?
I personally, have never used Impmon in a lemon. Though his appearance is slated! That means that he'll be appearing in my "Gatomon's Pride" series soon! Twisted

SaberGatomon said it, and I'll say it again! Twisted
I used Impmon in a lemon once, but I never released it, coz it was way too bad in my opinion.
I have it still on my comp and not sure, maybe I will overwrite it later.
I know that something to this effect has been said before, but I'm going to say it anyhow. It's all a matter of preference. Some people like small, cute things, such as Impmon who actually happens to be a chibi. Others, however, aren't as interested in cute chatacters and are more turned on to tough looking characters. Sort of like the comparison as how some like a romantic love making scene and others are more interested in BDSM. Okay, it's a sucky analogy, but still, I believe I make the point clear.
Sabergatomon and Tiamat:Well,but the people who have actually stories online about him didn't reply.Say,so like Angeteen said,why do you preferred the chibi?(Umm...Sabergatomon likes Gatomon and Tiamat likes Veemon,ne?Self answered question)
Angeteen:Well,I happened to see that Impmon usually plays the little imp who goes around fucking anything he finds and Beelzemon being the submissive and cute uke.*laughs*
Oh yeah I did understand your comparison.Clearly*LOL*
PS So size doesn't really matter after all?
PS 2:Which might be bigger:Impmon's tail or Beelzemon's penis?
PS 3:Could anybody bigger than Calumon be satisfied with Impmon's penis?
Be seeing you.
Why is there more Impmon hentai than Beelzemon hentai? Because Impmon is easier to draw, that's why.
Hooooooo..if you think Beelzemon is difficult to draw is cuz you haven't tried to draw his bike!!! :D Yeah,he's a real pain in the ass to draw,even for a veteran artist like me,but here,take a look...I posted this on the Authors Domain,but I'll put it here as well :P
Oh yeah...please tell me where are Beelzemon hentai pics,I'd like to see that.(I never suspected there'll be pics of him in hentai...well,i'm into yaoi,not hentai...)
Now that you mention this,anybody knows where did that hot manga based on Digistar DBZ's "Never been that way before" fic got off to?I wish I had that on my site...
[Image: beelzeyami.jpg]
Is that pic done in water color? it looks alot like folk art, done with paint. @@ Beelze painting.

I love the pose, not sure about the crotch though, maybe coulda left the "extremeties" out and just had em flat there. Either way, you do this sort of Digimon great. @@

But yes, rookie digimon like teh Imp are way easier to draw then humanoids like Beelze, or Angemon for that matter. Thats prolly not the only reason though, more like they enjoy seeing monster type digimon doing it than human like ones.

Zeph, you know I now love you.

But as for Impmon vs. Beelzemon, here's my word on the matter: I love Impmon in the sense that you like cute things. Beelzemon... well.. get his pants off and then we'll talk! Twisted

Seriously, the words really does need more hentai of that guy. Impmon's okay, but I would *so* want to see more of his mega.

well i think mabey because Impmon is easyer to draw