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Digital Dream Partner?
a gabumon or a veemon
still can
Veemon's Followers
Well... one of my favs is Kunemon. ^^
Others that might be neat to have as a partner would be Kokuwamon, Demidevimon, or maybe a Demimeramon.

Yeah, I always pick teh weird ones. :p
Gabumon, to warp-digivolve to MetalGarurumon
Kids have kid Digimon as partners.If we're adults,can't we have adult Digimon as partners?Just wondering.
Oh,my vote?Gotta choose a Rookie?
Let me see...Patamon.In this way:he'll DV to Angemon,right?*first DV I like*Ok then,according to Digimon World RPG,if Angemon falls in battle,he digivolves to Devimon.(weird,but it's true)According to Digimon World RPG 3, Devimon will eventually DV to Beelzemon over time*second DV I want* So that's how Patamon can DV to Beelzemon.
Aren't I great when it comes to digivolutions? :P
My dream parter as you probally already guessed, is WereGarurumon. :) I'd love to have him to love and touch.. among other things >.> I know WereGarurumon isn't a rookie, but however he is what I love. :P
Tricky, tricky.

I'd have my own characters, Ayimon and Morbiamon as my partners.
But in the series, Elecmon would be my first choice, followed by maybe Dorumon, Labramon or Veemon. Gomamon or Gatomon wouldn't be bad either.
A) Renamon; but not just any Renamon, TV Show Renamon. I have a thing for her personality.
B) Gabumon; can't go wrong with him!
or C) Veemon; the lovable little dragon.
Hehehe, yes you can't go wrong with Gabumon!! :D Veemon's not a bad choice either..
I go fore renamon
My dream partner is Guilmon...I love this cute red dinosaur Wink