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First five minutes of new Tri movie are out.
Main digimon had been eliminated from the past series like Leomon in Tamers although I do hope you are right UnknownH, in that taking that to a human level would be way too extreme or even out of character for this six part movie special. As for why Agumon and Gatomon aren't with Tai and Kari, the first movie is translated titled Reunion. Again I point out a translator who read off the 15th anniversary website mentioned during the Kuwagamon appearing, Tai suddenly hears Agumon through his digivice or something to that nature. On Google I found a picture of the two embracing one another which makes me believe all the digimon and DigiDestined had been separated for whatever reason. I'm still not a fan of the drastic change in art style, makes me feel they betrayed the original animators' vision. Regardless I hope this proves to be exciting with the action and well told through a detailed plot; just as long as Myotismon's doesn't make a fourth appearance I'll be peachy.

Another thing to consider in 02 being canon is its been rumored through the web Mimi is residing in the USA which happened between seasons one and two. We won't know for sure until the new movie is streamed though. Also hoping we somehow see mega evolutions for the other digimon who didn't receive their proper dues. Maybe even Gabumon will become MetalGarurumon again. He mentioned in 02 Azulongmon only had enough power to give Agumon back the mega digivolution so yeah, any story driven narrative I can see in giving the heroes added firepower. Let's not forget the possible addition of new digimon created just for the new movies. And hopefully this won't be the end of digimon either. PS4 is getting Cyber Sleuth next year, a new World game is also coming to Vita although in Japan only. Now if we can attract newcomers here, get this place revived we would be just fine. I'm hard at work on some new writing projects, with luck I can lead by example.

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RE: First five minutes of new Tri movie are out. - by dv85 - 10-29-2015, 02:04 PM