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Full Version: First five minutes of new Tri movie are out.
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Hey everyone. I've been very busy with my gaming activities lately but I'm trying to get back into writing, hopefully I'll have some new stuff to turn in soon. But back to my subject post, on YouTube there's a short introduction to the first digimon adventure Tri episode and to be honest it contains a very shocking revelation. I won't spoil it here but feel free to look it up and comment once finished. I will say though it kind of breaks my heart; something that's shown in the tease. I'm sure it will break yours as well...
It really is a surprise. But I say just wait until EP 2. There's a lot we don't know yet.
Why still wear google Shocked

Only Omnimon? The others still unable to Mega and merge?boohoo

Does the world know the existence of Digimon?Rolleyes
It's possible those are new Goggles that pick up Digimon. Izzy made them.
No idea.
Also no idea.
If it's true that they've killed off the 02 cast as somewhat hinted in the first five minutes, I'm going to lose my mind. I sure hope they're still okay. In the comments section of that clip I've noticed conspiracy theories run wild. But I was able to pretty much determine that the events of 02 are in fact canon to Tri. Someone supposedly translated the Japanese on the official 15th anniversary website saying Tri takes place three years after 02 or six years after the first season. They mention the battle with MaloMyotismon as well.

What really bothers me is that no voice actors have been cast regarding Davis, Yolei, Cody and Ken leaving the door open to the idea they might have died in battle. I also wonder if the many plot holes left throughout seasons one and two might finally be answered; who were those original DigiDestined mentioned just before the fight against Apocalymon? What about the dark ocean with Dragomon and his minions of darkness? How did Matt's dad know Gabumon's name? Considering this will only be a six part showing I certainly hope many details are put to a conclusion. Not to mention if the Hunters crossover with everyone meeting up will be canon.

As for everyone knowing if digimon exist: I know for sure a Kuwagamon appears at the airport beginning to attack everyone causing a major panic. Yet this would be the third time digimon have been seen in the real world aside from Myotismon's invasion and when Arukenimon brought digimon to spots all over the globe. I was never a fan of the whole "torch has been passed" theory in regarding Tai and the older children being cast to the side but those silhouettes of the 02 cast falling down in such a manner really crosses the line. I know this was going to be darker than other seasons but c'mon! I actually couldn't sleep last night thinking about this. Please, please let my fears be unfounded...
No offense, Digimon Hunters is bad, but better than Digimon Frontier. I liked X'cross Wars although very weird.;)

If it took place after 02, then the whole world knew the Digimon. If they changed the 02 original ending, this will be sucks.:(

Weird, why Agumon and Gatomon were not inside Tai's house?Crying

Six seasons (including Hunters), six different Digital World concept, which world are they in now? I'm sure they're not in Tamers, Frontier and X'cross world. So, possible Digimon Savers crossover? If whole world knew the existence of Digimon, then we need to have some kind of cops to monitor them, for example Data Squad.

I also wished they patches the plot holes we seen in 02, there were too many plot holes in 02. For example, episode 1 Tai could enter the Digital World. Who funded Digimon Emperor to build the castle and capture the Digimon? Who was the 1st batch of chosen children?
Pretty sure the 02 ending is still canon so they can't be dead. They wouldn't kill them. They're humans. And this is Adventure.
Main digimon had been eliminated from the past series like Leomon in Tamers although I do hope you are right UnknownH, in that taking that to a human level would be way too extreme or even out of character for this six part movie special. As for why Agumon and Gatomon aren't with Tai and Kari, the first movie is translated titled Reunion. Again I point out a translator who read off the 15th anniversary website mentioned during the Kuwagamon appearing, Tai suddenly hears Agumon through his digivice or something to that nature. On Google I found a picture of the two embracing one another which makes me believe all the digimon and DigiDestined had been separated for whatever reason. I'm still not a fan of the drastic change in art style, makes me feel they betrayed the original animators' vision. Regardless I hope this proves to be exciting with the action and well told through a detailed plot; just as long as Myotismon's doesn't make a fourth appearance I'll be peachy.

Another thing to consider in 02 being canon is its been rumored through the web Mimi is residing in the USA which happened between seasons one and two. We won't know for sure until the new movie is streamed though. Also hoping we somehow see mega evolutions for the other digimon who didn't receive their proper dues. Maybe even Gabumon will become MetalGarurumon again. He mentioned in 02 Azulongmon only had enough power to give Agumon back the mega digivolution so yeah, any story driven narrative I can see in giving the heroes added firepower. Let's not forget the possible addition of new digimon created just for the new movies. And hopefully this won't be the end of digimon either. PS4 is getting Cyber Sleuth next year, a new World game is also coming to Vita although in Japan only. Now if we can attract newcomers here, get this place revived we would be just fine. I'm hard at work on some new writing projects, with luck I can lead by example.
From the info you gave, it contradicts with Digimon 02.

First of all, it is impossible that it takes place three years after 02 because in 02 ending, everyone grew up and stayed with Digimon, it is a happy ending.

So, if it takes place three years after 02, then NO Digimon and children will die because we can see all of them grew up in the ending. Moreover, why they suddenly separated and then re-union after three years?

Six years after the first season is acceptable, because this may take place AFTER 02 ending. They grew up, but something attacked them and they got separated. Now the first movie will tell us why they got separated and how they got re-union.

Not enough power to evolve? They are not Power Rangers. :D

I saw Omnimon and their digivice. Why can't the others evolve? Did someone build the Dark Towers on the Earth?

In Digimon Tamers, digimon can't evolve without Calumon. In Digimon Savers, digimon can't evolve without spirit. So, why in 02 can't evolve if there are no Dark Towers?

It's weird, the first episode never introduced 02 characters, don't tell me they are dead.boohoo

Another possibility: this is AU (Another Universe). The 6 parts movie is NOT related to the TV 02 ending. :no:
Again I say I can only hope at the very least, the 02 kids were just defeated and not dead but apparently I'm not the only one who's looking at that possibility: http://moviepilot.com/posts/3615408?lt_s...nal,manual as seen here. I also found out some information about the digimon who seems to overpower the second season characters here: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Alphamon as it's interesting that they mention his attacks are over in an instant or you don't see them until they've already happen. I also found a discussion thread going on on this website: http://withthewill.net/threads/15377-tri...1-Spoilers dealing with the leaked five minute introduction. Basically people are discussing possible scenarios although I didn't get to read the entire thread just yet. I'll keep looking for more links and data in the meantime. And since there will be six parts to this I remain hopeful more will be explained in the remaining five considering these are full length Japanese-style features as opposed to a 20 minute televised series showings like the past have been.

Edit: I finished reading every post in that topic on the WtW forums. A claim has been made through a translator who saw a preview of the first movie. He says the main cast gets sent to a dark dimension after the large fight at the airport which gives me some hope that's what happened to the 02 cast. But the lingering question that remains if this theory is correct is why haven't any new character designs or voice over casts been leaked involving Davis, Yolei, Cody and Ken? They must have some sort of involvement considering you see their bodies and D3's in the first five minutes, right? Unless whomever owns digimon right now is keeping it a HUGE secret that would be under a gag order for everybody involved, I imagine something would've reached the web by now. So many questions remain over the first five minutes yet we don't have any answers! Agh!
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