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Team Fortress 2
I rather like the Viti-saw. Finally now, I can damn save some of my Uber charge after I die rather then losing all 100%!

But, hell there's a lot of new weapons. And even set bonuses for wearing them all. Crazy, huh?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
I saw that item. I'd need to try it out for myself, and I especially will, since I'm a Medic and everything.

Another new item.

The Holy Mackerel (Melee Weapon, Scout)

This is pretty much a reskin of the regular bat. As far as I can tell, there is no distinct stat difference between it an the default bat. However, the effect it does have, apart from cool jigglebone physics, is when you hit someone, it shows the hit notification on the kill reticule in the corner. If you kill someone with the Holy Mackerel, it will say FISH KILL! next to their name on the kill reticule.

Verdict: N/A

Apart from the set bonus you get, its purpose is mostly cosmetic on its own, and therefore, cannot be given a grade.

Rocket Jumper (Primary Weapon, Soldier)

This is a training weapon for Soldiers that don't know how to rocket jump. It gives the user a LOT more rockets in their reserves, and makes them invulnerable to all damage. Being a training weapon and everything, it also takes away the Soldier's ability to do damage.

Verdict: N/A

It's a training weapon designed for practice and nothing else. Like the Holy Mackerel, it can't be given a grade.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.
Vita-saw retains 20% of Ubercharge after death, but you lose 10HP in trade of that.

I so want to get the new Sniper Rifle, and also the Spy stuff. Really would make playing them better :P
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
I bought the Spy bundle today.

L'Etranger - Replaces the Revolver

+15 Cloak on Hit
-20% Damage Done

Haven't really found a use for it yet, but the +Cloak on hit seems like it could be useful with Dead Ringer.

Your Eternal Reward

On backstab: Instantly disguise as whoever you backstabbed.
Silent backstabs
Cannot disguise normally

This thing, sucks. Period. Not being able to disguise until you backstab someone is a huge minus. I played with it for a couple hours and just couldn't find any good use for it. Only take it if you're going for the set bonus.

Set Bonus: (For wearing the hat, the L'Etranger and Your Eternal Reward at the same time)

Reduces volume of uncloak
-0.5 second longer uncloak time

Pretty damn good, it makes even the ear-piercing Dead Ringer just about silent, and the Cloak and Dagger uncloak completely silent. The +0.5sec uncloak time isn't a big deal.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
I know the stats, guys. However, I actually need to try out the weapons themselves in a live combat situation before I can give a conclusive results.

And Ereth, I've been on the receiving end of YER. It's unpleasant, especially when your whole team fails to spy-check.

Oh yes, another weapon I failed to add.

The Homewrecker (Melee Weapon, Pyro)

The Homewrecker is a sledgehammer. It deals less damage to players, but it deals twice as much damage to buildings and can destroy sappers.


No, seriously. Pyros that can destroy sappers. Anti-Spy to the max!
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.
Been a while. I finally got a fucking hat (Tyrant's Helm for the Soldier, my main class now), and I have a few new weapons to criticize.

The Powerjack (Melee Weapon, Pyro)

Another sledgehammer, this one doesn't get random crits, but it deals 25% more damage, and when used to kill somebody, the Pyro gains 75 HP, which can also transfer over to his overheal HP.

Verdict: A+

It's a VERY nice weapon! I've never been more torn between what weapon I want to use more, the Powerjack or the Home Wrecker.

The Degreaser (Primary Weapon, Pyro)

The Degreaser has a weaker burn effect on the enemy, but it still has compression blast and the same DPS as the normal flamethrower. The advantage to using this weapon is being able to change weapons VERY fast!

Verdict: A+

This is oddly enough better used as a support weapon, and best used when combined with either the Home Wrecker or the Axtinguisher.

The Pain Train (Melee Weapon, Demoman and Soldier)

The Pain Train is a wooden club with a railroad spike in it. It increases the Soldier/Demoman's capture speed by 1, putting them on the same level as the Scout, but it also increases their vulnerability to bullets.

Verdict: B+

Obviously, it only works when you're on the offense, and since it only has a passive bonus, that greatly limits its advantage as a weapon.

The Vita-Saw (Melee Weapon, Medic)

This weapon, which looks very similar to the syringes the Little Sisters carry around in Bioshock, decreases the Medic's Max HP by 10, but preserves his ubercharge up to 20% when he dies.

Verdict: C

I don't find a personal advantage in using this when I'm a pretty damn good Medic, and especially when I find a greater advantage in using the Ubersaw. It hurts the Vita-Saw even more when some servers are modded to start the Medic off with 25%, some only when the round starts, others when the Medic respawns.

The Shortstop (Primary Weapon, Scout)

I thought this would have been a secondary weapon. Shows what I know! This is actually a peppergun, which fires like a miniature Scattergun, but looks like an oversized pistol. It has four slugs in each shell, four shells in each magazine, and the spread is very tight. Each slug that hits the enemy slows them down by 40% for 0.5 seconds, and the effect stacks.

Verdict: A

Another novel weapon for the Scout which can actually be deadly from a long range due to the tight spread. However, this weapon is only really good in the hands of a pro Scout.

The L'Etranger (Primary Weapon, Spy)

Very few weapons for The Spy. This one gives the Spy a weaker revolver, but each successful hit gives him 15% invisibility charge.

Verdict: A

I'm not much of a Spy person, so this weapon doesn't work well for me. However, a skilled Spy can really fuck with you by playing Invisible Man while he takes potshots at you from a distance.

The G.R.U. [Gloves of Running Urgently] (Melee Weapon, Heavy)

This weapon is useful for people who don't get much use out of the Heavy's fists. When equipped, the GRU speeds up the Heavy by 30%, but halves the damage he deals and drains his HP by 6 every second.

Verdict: A

It's a good weapon for getting the Heavy to the front (or back) lines quickly, especially when all the Engies are incompetent retards who build BEHIND the base during setup.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.
I play TF2 myself. My name there is RavRacin...I usually go for the SourceOP, Nom nom nom or NewbTF2 servers...

My main classes of expertise are the Engineer, Heavy and Pyro. I am a defensive style player, I don't do offense so well, but more of a support player, in the background most of the time. My fave class overall is the Engineer, great versatility with items like Gunslinger, Southern Hospitality and his buildings.

I recently got some of the Polycount items and I would like to expand on somethings from what Lost said. The Polycount is excellent, great variety. I'm mostly getting the Scout pack first, got me a Holy Mackeral and the Shortstop.

Holy Mackeral

A Fist...that's it. Does the same damage as the steel bat, but on hit, it flashes a humiliation msg, and upon death of said enemy, it says 'FISH KILL'

My Verdict: B-
Its cute, but just as I said...its just a Bat skin, plus, its entertaining to see a fish jiggle as u run from here and there.

for some of the other items I'll like to comment...

Agreed that the Vita-saw sux...but for GRU...I have my doubts. The Heavy does have a large amount of health, but with the GRU, it cancels out the Heavy's main weakness...speed. I use it for fun, but i think its not the best thing in the world, I still go for the KGB over it.
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Renamon's Army
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