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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Izzy: Well you see...

Tai: Izzy...just don't.

Izzy: Oh come on, let me explain!

Mimi: Your explanations make my brain hurt!

Izzy: Matt?

Matt: No way.

Izzy: Sora?

Sora: I think I left the oven on at home...

Izzy: Tentomon!??!

Tentomon: Izzy, it's time for your bath! C'mon, the bubble bath's waiting!

Everyone: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Izzy: Well if my calculations seem to be correct the trajectery is off by less then 0.005% and the marginal perpencity of the dilation of the circumstancial computer program which could be erased and then changed. (goes up to one of the hieroglyphics)

Tentamon: Izzy, I dont think thats wise.

Izzy (changes the markings on the wall.) This is very odd lets see what happens if I place an intrique pattern that I have already decripted on this wall and lets see what happens.

Tentamon (clutching his stomach) I dont feel so good......

Izzy; I advise you to use the Digi room right about now....

Tentawoman: Hey there Izzy.....

Izzy: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Ken: It's okay Wormon. All I ever wanted was to be your friend.

Wormon: Really?

Ken: No. Now get out there and sacrifice yourself for the sake of our ratings.
*right after izzy and tentomon beat a random digimon*


Tentomon: Izzy, this is your last warning, stop talking like that or else

Izzy: sorry... :(
"God, Koromon, why does Matt beat me at everything?"

"Waddaya mean, Tai?"

"Well, he gets Sora, I get no-one; he's musicly talented and all I can do is move a sphere from on place into another with my foot; and he gets Tsunomon."

"What? I'm not good enough for you?"

"Well, it's not that. It's just, he gets a digimon with this cool voice and badass blade coming out of its head, whilst I get what is essentially a giant mouth."

"...I give better oral, though, right?"

"Oh, yeah, totally."

MC: YO, yoyoyoyyoyo-YO! Presenting the funny and unique comedy stylings of the man that make you laugh your pants off, Give it up for WEREGARURUMON.(WG)

AD: (applauding loudly and whistling.)

WG: HOW's it hOwling you guys!?

AD: (light chuckles and girls going wild.)

WG: Um hi guys, just wanted you guys to know that POKEMON SUCKs! I mean seriously, who's cuter the little white furball..

WG: PIKA..pi-pika chuuuuuu!!!

WG: or me.......and guess what I CAN TALK YOUR LANGUAGE! what the hell! Its like listening to babies talking, o yea we think thats so cute, but after a while we start thinking to ourselves "wow, dont we sound dumb......"

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Sora:...are they heartless or.....something else?...
*Yamaki stands in the shadows playnig with his Zippo lighter as his subordinates operate Hypnos*

Yamaki: These damned Digimon just keep coming. *grinds his teeth* And the kids love them so much. WHY?

Riley: Uh...sir, I think you should take a look at this.

Yamaki: *turns to her* A Wild One?

Riley: You were right on one thing, the kids really DO love the Digimon.

Yamaki: What do you mean?

Tally: It's a website...some place called a DigiArtist's Domain.

Yamaki: What the hell?!

Riley: *thinking to herself* That Guilmon sure is cute...
Yamaki peered 'round the allyway. This would be sure to lure the Wild Ones those kids had adopted to him. "Psst!" He hissed at Takato, who was standing alone just a few metres away, "Wanna smoke some stuff with me?" he asked, waving his Zippo and some dry grass from the park wrapped in a reciept from Waitrose.

"Sure, why not?"

[Image: DADSJPEG.jpg]
I can make anything funny in North America just by making a joke about drugs.

Matt: Thats really good and your falsetto range is amazing, why didn't you tell me you could sing?

Tai: Well, its because, well......

Matt: Yes tai.....

Tai: I like to sing in the shower when me and Agumon, clean up one another....

Agumon: I get all the hard to reach spots.

Matt I guess you also like your friend Agumon to stick you with his digi meat as well...

Tai and Agumon:

Agumon: That doesn't hide the fact that you and Gabumon had long sex in your room....

Matt and Gabumon: How did you know...

Agumon: Gatomon loves it in the closet.....

All of them: lol lol lol
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds