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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Heh- thanks Flame! So- we restart this- right?" Flicker said.
"Yep, but this time, you can set so both you and Flamey are a team against the bad guys, that way, it'd be easier for Flamey to learn." Mar pointed out with his claw at the ''Team Play'' option in the screen.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"-oh- okay- so it's- better like that?" Flicker said as he selected it.
"Cool, we get to beat the bad guys!" Flamey chimes in happily.
"Yay! Lets get them, Flamey!" Flicker cheered, starting the game.
Mar smiled weakily, "I sometimes wish my brother was here too... talking about being jealous." he thought, looking on both Flicker and Flamey with a sudden grin. "At least both of them are together!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flamey's character follows along with Flicker's and he tries hard to defend his brother while taking down some bad guys of his own. "Yeah, this is fun!"
"if only Blue were here." Cronos sighed
Veemon's Followers
Flicker felt a sudden tinge of guilt. "Y-yeah... I think so too." Flicker said, making his character back Flamey's character up.
"He's in Purga-whatsit.... I wish he wasn't," says Ky.