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"-I dunno- You look COOL!" Fang said cheerily, the beer was taking effect.
Mar raised an eyebrow, then noticed Fang's beer bottle was done and didn't have anymore beer, then grinned, "Hey, if you wanted more of it, just say it!" he went to the table after taking Fang's empty bottle, then went ahead and opened a new bottle for him, which was given to Fang's paws gently.

Mar went to the couch and sat down, chugging his own bottle down and sighing a bit, his eyes closed. At last, he was relaxing from the ''busy'' day he had; from his position, Mar's six pack was fully viewed, and his legs were slightly spread. Some of Mar's snow white hair covered half his face.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"wha- thanks man!" Fang laughed half-sober. He began chugging the beer down fast- this was his first time, so he got quite easily.

Fang was one of those Silent serious types- but he's never been drunk before, apparently, being drunk gave him a sense of freedom... and lack of common sense.

"WOAH- DUDE- is it getting like... hot in here? Mind if I take my shirt off?" Fang said contently, flapping his unbuttoned shirt to cool off. "DUDE- nice abs!- I got me some- Damn it's hot in here!" Fang laughed.
"Thanks, that's why I don't use armor," Mar stated, drinking what was left of his bottle, then stood up. "Go ahead and take it off! It's no prob!"

Mar chuckled and took the empty bottle from Fang's hand and went to look for two more, opening them and bringing them back to the couch, next to Fang again, then gave him his third bottle.

"God, do I love beer." Mar sighed in content, then started to chug down his third beer.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Fang took his shirt off, and hung draped it on a chair. "Thanks dude!" Fang said as he drank his third bottle. "-DAMN- I love beer!" He laughed, cheeks slight shade of red.
Mar looked over Fang's bare body, "Hmm... he wasn't lying at all when he said he's over worked with training." he thought, swishing his tail and drinking from his third bottle as well.

When there were no beers, and seeing his friend obviously liked beer too much, Mar went to the refrigerator and started to bring a nice amount of other bottles with alcoholic drinks.

*ten bottles for each later*

Mar's cheeks were slightly red, the alcohol was starting to taking control of him, but he still had in his left claw a bottle of whiskey. "And this is what I call, life."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Woah- this is life? Look at all the colors! WOAH- I have abs!" Fang said, forgetting about his sixpack. He rubbed them. "Awesome dude- when did I get these!?" He asked drunkenly. He was swaying awkwardly as he walked.
Mar grinned, "He looks cool when moving like that." he took a last sip of his whiskey, soon, there was no more alcohol in TK's house.

Mar stayed with his eyes tightling to the sides, then they accomodated. "Uhm... you okay, Fang?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Fang was by now- oblivious to his suroundings. He was more interested in his own body now that he was drunk. "Hahaha... theres something hard in my pants- what the heck is that?" he poked his crotch absent-mindedly, then lost balance, landing softly on his butt, his tail wagging.

Fang laughed at himself drunkenly, legs spread on the floor as he wagged his tail. "Sweet! evrythins ol swerleh!"
Mar raised an eyebrow, looking on Fang's bulge on his pants, "You horny?" he started to walk to Fang.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad