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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky grabs Flicker and jumps upwards, doing a single twist and flip and landing on his feet on Regis' other side, facing him.

"NOW, FOX!" Ky yells.
"Now what, Wolf?" Ry suddenly stands up casually. He was the exact height of Ky, his eyes cold and calculating.
Ky stares at him for a second. "Hmm.... I have a feeling that you hate sports. Am I right?"
"Nope, I kill at sports. Literally and Metaphorically." Ry put his hands behind his head. "I'm into racing more."
"Riiight, and I don't kill at sports literally.... I would have said we were opposites or something...."
"True. Like I don't give a damn about my allies, and you do." Ry looked at Flicker. "What's he doing with ya?" Ry asked Ky.
"He happens to be my friend. Another opposite, I'm guessing?"
"Right you are, dude." Ry said crossing his arms again.

"-What do you want!?" Flicker yelled. He disliked Ry for SO MANY things-
Ky growls, eyes glowing brighter than ever.

"I don't like that."
"I asume you don't like many things." Ry said, he then glanced at Flicker- Then back to Ky. "-Ky, right?"