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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Cerberus was silent as he watched Cain and Seit with a slight smile on his muzzle. "Don't you ever forget me Seit, as long as I'm your Guardian, I'll fight alongside you."


Beowulf was kneeling on one knee, Two Energy Blades (used to be the Katanas) in front of him in an X.

"Repent. My wrath upon you descent." Beowulg- and dashed off towards the demon army with five times the speed of sound.

Beowulf sent a wave of white Energy towards the left- then he round-housed to the right- sending a powerful gust of wind to the left-

He had disappeared before Iuvart had time to take into account what had happened- Beowulf was in the middle of the army, standing in the center of a crater-

"Demon smothered with your tainted whim..." Beowulf thundered. "Thine army atone, Gate of Grim!!" Beowulf spread his wings out- and decimated the entire army. "-Now for thy fate, Which is the harshest- Good bye demon- Sin Harvest!!" He yelled as purgatory was engulfed in light- destroying every demon and evil spirit coming out, and sealing the rift.

The light faded- and Beowulf apeared... his energy blades impaled on Iuvart's chest and stomach.

"Th- This cannot be-" Iuvart whispered- then was sent back to hell, and then sealed.

Beowulf stood straight, and gazed upon the heavens- He was engulfed in light- and was replaced by Blue.

"I... I did it... rugh-" Blue Grunted, then fell to his knees, bleeding from the mouth. He was wounded deeply after all.

"Heh- th-that wasn't so bad-" Blue managed to mock himself- then lay down... Motionless.
Ky's ears stand straight up. He just knows that there's trouble somewhere. Blue was out, which was something to worry about. Cronos had gone off somewhere too. What if he had gone to Dei's old base?

"I'd better find him," Ky says aloud. He begins looking.
After trying to rush in a huge door appeared. "What, a door but with no nob huh. Then It's no problem with my Shadow-Demon Shurikan." said Kai as he try to make a blast from his sword but couldn't. "What?! Why can I use it's full power?" asked Kai as he heard a voice. "The only way to use it's full power is hiden deep from within your self." said the voice. "That voice was not from Humon, not that guy that was hurting Humon, not my mother, not that hooded man or not even from my brother, then who was it." wonder Kai. He then considerate on getting Humon out of there then the Sword glowed and Kai swing the Shadow-Demon Shurikan and brock the door in. On the other side of the door there was mouths with fangs, eyes, fire and a one way side walk. Kai stepped in and the door repaired itself and disappear.
*Shadow Realm*

Ry was balancing a dagger on the tip of his finger in boredom. "-When're you going to bring Vermy back? I'm bored, there's no one to fight!" He complained.

"Be patient Rieger. You'll have your fun soon." Shadow said as he drew a pentagram on the ground with his own blood.
Mar starts to chug down his bottle, he's quite a good drinker, but he's too fast; at half the bottle, he looks on Flamey and smiles, stopping to drink. Mar then nears the Fruit Juice to his friend so he can drink too.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flamey picks the cup up with both hands, drinking it slowly
Mar smiles as he watches Flamey, then chugs what's rest of the bottle, and then finally lets it on the table. "If it weren't that I was 'baby sitting' I'd order another..."

Mar then looks on Flamey's drink for a bit as his tail wags around. "You liking it?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

As Blue lay down in a pool of his own blood... He opened one blurry eye, and took a deep breath.

"Is this the end? Is this where my story ends? Will I never avenge My loved ones? This is so unfair..." Blue thought to himself, his eye closing. "Is this it? Is this my fate? -To die alone in the middle of Heaven and Earth?"
OOC: Didn't Flicker follow Ky?

IC: Ky suddenly turns around and nearly bumps into Flicker, but jumps back a step.

"Whoa! What're you doing here, Flicker?"

Flamey nods. "I wanna save some for Flicker!"
"-Just went to check on you-" Flicker replied. "Is Blue here? I really wanna talk to him..."