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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Hm?" Ky looks down at the larger (but still small) Flamedramon.
Flicker kicks the ground nervously. "Uhh... have you seen... uhm- Blue- around?"
Ky blinks his blue eyes. "Last time I checked, he was in the hotel room, fast asleep. I couldn't sleep, so I came after Chronos, who had gone to find his girlfriend or something. Why do you ask?"
"Nothing, really- I just wanna warn him..." Flicker sighed.
"Huh? About what?"
Dark Keres grins as he puts Blaize down. "Good! Now here's what I want you to do while I go buy some food and Ice cream..." Dark Keres whispers to Blaize: "I want you to go play with Keres like the way you played with him in the bathroom last time."
Blaize raised an eyebrow. "That game? Okay- I'll try- can I play that while he's sleeping?"


Flicker sighed again. "-Master Shadow has a new aprentice."
"Really? ... Really."

Ky's care-free face suddenly turns serious.

"Really. I'm sorry... I've gotta go."

Suddenly, the three of them see how fast Ky can REALLY run. He takes off at an almost alarming speed, leaping over large obstacles and around others. He races into the hotel and up to Blue's room, bursting inside.

"Blue! Are you okay?"
Blue, was nowhere to be found.
"No way..." Ky ducks out of the room, searching the hallway for scents, searching for Blue's.