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Sorry for the late intro.
I really shouldn't speak my mind.
Sin-Let me rip his legs off now!

NO!And if you don't shut up i'm going to banish you to Andy's part of my brain!

Sin-Oh alright you win you piece of monkey shit!

*Andy is the emotion kindness.Sin hates him on the count that he is the 2 emotions Anger and Sorrow.*

HEy does anone listen to Wierd Al?

Sin-I do!
I know you do now shut up PLEASE!
Gun: *grabs dragons and makes a run for it* Don't worry! We're gonna' play a really good game!!
Death Wrote:Sin-Let me rip his legs off now!

NO!And if you don't shut up i'm going to banish you to Andy's part of my brain!

Sin-Oh alright you win you piece of monkey shit!

*Andy is the emotion kindness.Sin hates him on the count that he is the 2 emotions Anger and Sorrow.*

HEy does anone listen to Wierd Al?

Sin-I do!
I know you do now shut up PLEASE!

I LISTEN TO WEIRD AL...HUGE FAN...i even have word on his new CD coming out...
Baby Dragon: What game?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow: Ummm, DMX? *Dragons still chewing on him* What do I do about the biting? It kinda tickled at first but now it's starting to hurt.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Chaos:Hold on shadow I'll get them to stop.(starts singing the dragon lullaby from the pit dragon trilogy) "
"Hush little flame mouths."
"Cool your tongues."
"Dreaming starts soon furnace lungs."
"Rest your wings now little flappers."
"Cave mouth calls to dragon nappers."
"Night is coming bank your fire"
"Time for dragons to retire"
(afterwards all the dragons fall asleep)
Gun: *eye twitches* That's right... go to sleep... I shall play alone instead... come little dragon, come....
Maybe someone should stay with Gun, just to be safe
DMX: I'm plushy, I can't. *grins and closes eyes, then rests on Tiamat's chest*

Tiamat: Go and take care of your last kid! *throws DMX to Gunter*

DMX: *crashes with Gunter's head*

Baby: Funny! *claps claws together while giggling*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad