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Sorry for the late intro.
*Several Gunters tackle the doppelgangers*



Gunter: Wh-what happened... AH!! CHAOS!! What happened!? Munkee! What happened to Chaos!? What monstrosity could've done such a vile THING!?
uhhmm, well, you see...*tries to think of a way to explain it without hurting gun*
I have no idea!

and what does doppelganger mean?
Chaos:Gunter nothing happened to me I just went made some waffles for breakfast.(takes in the scene noticing his clones all battered & bloody)Oh well I'll just make some more(uses kage bushin no jutsu again to create 4 more clones of himself)and gunter(draws masamune & points it at Gun's cock)don't ever do that again or I'll cut it of & force you to eat it.
Gun: Hm? I tried that already- It grew back- then again... I'm the only one in the SDP with an indestructible coc-

Lust: Grab the sword... use it as a dildo.... dildo.... dildo....
Chaos:(slowly sheaths the masamune)lust shut the fuck up you godamn motherfucking idiotic bitch!
you heard his lust-hes going to use it as a dildo...
Not if I have anything to say about it (sends the masamune into a diffrent demension that only he has access to)and munkee a doppelganger is a diffrent form of a clone.
ohhh...i get it now! thanks Chaos!
Lust: Strip Gunter.... Strip.... Strip...

Gun: Urgh- c-c-can't... ressist- u-urgh.... *slowly rips his shirt collar*
*watches happily*