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Things You Wouldn't Hear In A Digimon Episode
Myotismon: Now that I have you,

Kari: *shudders*

Myotismon: I'm going to,

Kari: *Shudders*

Myotismon: Going to,

Kari: *Huddles in fear in a corner*

Myotismon: DO THE CHICKEN DANCE!! *Starts doing the chicken dance*
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Have you ever done somethin' bad, and then wonder why bad things happen to you?

I used to be one o' them guys. I did some pretty mean things. I enslaved thousands of Digimon, and took over the Digital World. Then my best friend died. Since then, I wrote a list of all the bad things I've done in my life. I'm just trying to make they world a better place.

My name is Ken.
*at the bath scene in season 1 in the illusory mansion*

Joe: Uh, Gomamon, why are you spending so much time under the water?

Gomamon: *surfaces blushing* Oh, nothing.

Matt: *relaxed look on his face* Wow, the water jets in this tub are really something, huh?

Gomamon: *licks lips*
Gabumon: Is this how you do it?

Matt: No this is how you?....

Gabumon: Matt!!! Are you ok?...

Matt: Yes I am but your friend may not be.....

Gabumon: Huh?....


Gabumon: :shock:
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Kari: Does Davis seem diffrent to you?

TK: *Watches as Davis grabs a cocunut and breaks it over his head*

Davis: COCONUT!! *Starts eating the insides*

TK: I see no difference.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Digimon Emperor:...THEN I WILL RULE THE DIGITAL WORLD!!!MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!........was that good.

Jack Spicer:*bows*"Very good,Grasshoppah"
Ken looked at the globe of the Digital World. Wormon was listening to Swan Lake in the background. The sphere said something to Ken, something meaningful. He couldn't resist; he lifted the globe out of the wooden stand, threw it in the air, threw his leg backward, and caught the globe with his toe. He began dancing ballet.


[Image: Mr.jpg]

Matt: Gabumon, I was always lying to myself.

Gabumon: That you are not a Man?

Matt: That my brother needed me when in fact I needed him.....

Gabumon: Snap out of it Matt....

Matt: When all I thought that Tai only cared about himself, that is beginning to describe me better.

Gabumon: Matt You better look at this.

Matt: I guess I am not a friend at all....

Matt: That not apart of the script.......

Gabumon Isn't this improvising?...

Matt:...Gabumon .....


Gabumon: :roll: yes?....HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Flamedramon: -and Davis said "Maybe". Would you believe that? MAYBE!!

Angemon: Tough-luck... well, lifes like that. TK says Angewomon and I make a great couple.

Flamedramon: Lucky bastard... *sips coffee*

Angemon: Another round here please.

(Weregarurumon enters)

WG: What a night....

Angemon: You too, huh?

WG: Rockies... a bottle and a glass.

Bartender: *slides Rockies beverage to WG)

WG: *throws glass away and drinks from the bottle*

FM: -That bad?

WG: Lilymon turned out to be a crossdresser.

AM: ouch.

WG: Then Angewomon said she was already taken.

AM: Sorry about that.

WG: Nah... it's okay... A pint will help...

Ranamon: *walks in* I'll have milk!

WG: Hey-hey-hey... * goes over to Ranamon*

*After a few minutes of conversation, WG and Ranamon leave together*

FM: *bursts into laughter*

AM: HE'S in for a shock... She digivolves when she cums.
Izzy sighed, and turned off his laptop.

"There's never any Kenshiro..."