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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"This is too big, even for me... to explain. You are too young... and you may be involved in a war between Blue..." Moonshadow looked at Blue. "-And Shadow's forces... your brother and his comrades." Moonshadow nodded towards Flicker.

"Tell me- Chaos.. why did you do all of that to me? What have I done to you? What have I done to anyone!?" Blue yelled angrily at Flicker.

Flicker bowed his head in guilt. Silent.

"How does it feel? How does it feel after you've killed someone who I loved and cared for!? Does it feel great!? Huh!? Why didn'y you have the decency to kill me too, Huh!?" Blue yelled, his eyes welling with tears of rage and hatred.

Flicker felt different... he was guilty... angry at himself... sorry...
"S-stop..." Flamey says to Blue. "No more...."
"Don't tell me... you're going to give me a share of what ever pain you can throw at me too- like- your- brother." Blue said to Flamey.
''Blue wait-'' Mar says stepping in front of him, ''He didn't do anything, he's young and he's confused, you can't blame him for feeling like that.''

He then kneels in front of the wolf, ''He... is right, the revenge isn't taking you anywhere... Flicker didn't mean what he did... look at him, he's really sorry! do you really think he FULLY WANTED to do what he did?'' he stares on Blue, waiting for his reply, expecting yelling from him as he closes his eyes slightly, rubbing his still slightly sore wrist.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Of course he did." Blue said gruffly. "And I don't Blame everything on him... just a bit of it. I Blame his MAKER-"

"Don't talk about Shadow like that- You Blue scum!" Flicker yelled, His bladed gauntlets's blades grew longer.

Blue got up. "Why!? Because he ruined my life!?" Blue yelled back, flipping his sword up.
''Stop both of you!'' Mar got up, between Blue and Flicker, ''Shut up and listen!'' he almost yelled, but held it back. ''Blue, unfortunately, you have inner pain that won't go away till you take revenge on the one that did what he did! but can't you stop to think for a moment? few minutes ago, he had given up everything just to be with his brother! he got rid of his darkness! he's willing to make up for it in a GOOD way!'' he stomped the ground slightly, even he was healed his vision got blurry again, he had lost much blood.

''Please... don't fight, it won't get... anything good out of this...'' he said between muffled coughs.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hello!! In case you don't know, I was so much younger than him when he did THAT to me- and I gave up everything- EVERYTHING- I couldn't love- anyone I loved- they would kill- two of those things that I loved- died by his hands- and then he attacked me- so yeah- I smile everyday- knowing that I grow stronger- and stronger- eventually I WILL kill them- that was what kept me going- and the good that will come out of this? They'll rot in hell- even if I have to bring them there WITH ME-"
''That's... not... a good... thing...'' Mar gasped, ''Blue... I understand what you had to see... and I'm sorry I can't help... but please... try to understand...'' he coughed a bit. ''...what... are you going to... do now...?'' he asked him and mid-closed his eyes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Blue was silent.

"I didn't know you were suffering from blood loss- take this.." Moonshadow said, giving mar a small spherical red pill. Chewable.
Mar quickly took the pill in his claw, ''Thanks... again, for your help...'' he coughed and took the pill in his mouth, chewed on it slightly and then swallowed it. He kept looking on Blue, he was really worried about him, and the fact that he couldn't help either him or Flicker was only making him hate himself.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad